This month, we not only share with you a fantastic angel story and Virgin Mary photo but also pages of examples of different types of ghosts found within photos. Enjoy the ride! – Louis
Types of Ghost Pictures
Ever wonder how ghosts may appear in photos? What are the different types of ghost pictures? Now, you have something to review: examples of different types of ghost photos along with our thoughts about them!

John J. Higgins has authored two books in a series about archangels, and we are pleased to bring you his spiritual experience along with his back-story prior to writing this exciting series!
Check out Archangel Stories
Virgin Mary Picture
F. Serrantino took this intriguing photograph using a mobile phone. Was it a message to neighbors who need hope?

See his Virgin Mary Picture
Want to capture ghost photographs? Many of our customers have done just that while using our specially-altered cameras. Purchase one and go ghost hunting – for real!