Intelligent haunting are those in which the ghost interacts with the present. It is intelligent, in that the ghost may communicate, or interfere in some fashion, with those of us living on the earthly plane. The disembodied person has elected, for some reason, to stay here due to a connection with a person, place or thing. Intelligent haunting sometimes happens due to a spirit's compelling need to deliver a message from the other side of the grave or to watch over loved ones. In addition, it is also plausible that an intelligent haunting can occur due to attachments the ghostly person feels to memories, trauma, tragedy or any other emotional tie, effectively binding the mind to:
- not realizing the deceased person's body has indeed expired
- completing unfinished earthly business
- re-living traumatic events, as the mind consistently replays the event in an attempt to comprehend
- perhaps remaining with loved ones or persons the ghost finds like company with
- not letting go due to some form of fear after death, such as fear of punishment or moving on unto the unknown
It is important for us to understand that there is no devil, demons or evil spirits as traditionally taught -- just disembodied people with varying personalities. These are things only exist as metaphors for what takes place within the fearing mind (e.g. a mind that has succumbed to fearful thinking would equate to being a "devil"; thoughts of condemnation are often referred to as "demons" that we battle, etc.) Some ghosts of people, however, are indeed negative and mean while others may be very positive and upbeat. We might imagine that many people we meet here on earth range from joyous to downright angry and dark. Ghosts, spirits of people, are no different when it comes to the array of personalities one might encounter. We should understand that a person does not lose the frame of mind he or she has upon death of the physical body after leaving the body. (For this to happen, the person's spirit must head to the white light and life review for the cleansing process to take place. Otherwise, the person will remain an "unclean spirit" until this occurs.) Although not common, angry spirits can be encountered, no doubt. And we should note that to be trapped in the earth realm as a spirit is a form of hell; for it is fear that holds ghosts of intelligent hauntings here no matter what the intent. Whether it is worry about someone, anger of having died and suffering loss, condemnation or doubt, all of these reasons for remaining behind are simply different forms of fear found in the lowest part of hell we call earth (or even darkness). More can be garnered about this idea in the Spirit World. Ghosts, people trapped in fear, do not need "cast out," or "exorcised;" they need patience and understanding - from one human being to another. For it has been said, "Ghosts are people, too."
Intelligent haunting manifests typically in what some may consider to be "ghost signs." Hiding or moving objects, doors opening and closing, hearing strange sounds, noticing a spiritual presence (e.g. goosebumps), and the disturbance of electrical devices are all examples of ghosts attempting to gain someone's attention and communicate from the spirit realm. One may also experience dreams and visions of loved ones, especially, right before or after sleep when most of us are more open to contact (and the left brain is quieted down). It is also not uncommon to physically see a ghostly loved one, as well, as either an apparition or shadowed form. The best thing one can do is remain open to the contact and listen to what is heard deep within as that is how ghosts primarily communicate. If you encounter a haunting, seek to speak to the spirit, using in words of peace, compassion and love.