What Would You Say To Jesus?

The Soul-Saving Question: What Would You Say to Jesus? Here's What I Would Say To Jesus.

Recently, a friend of mine overheard a Christian trying to win a convert by asking a man, "What would you say to Jesus to get you into Heaven?"

What Would You Say To Jesus?Often, this question is posed to people who are non-Christians in an effort to frighten them into believing in Jesus. Christians who use fear think they are doing people a service (after all, they are saving souls, aren't they?), but they fail to realize the emotional damage they bring to others when using fear, condemnation and guilt to 'win souls.'

Sometimes, the question might be phrased like this, "What will you do if you have not accepted Jesus as your savior, then die in your sins, burning in Hell forever?"

Such a question is often coupled with a quote from the Bible, such as this one: "I never knew you. Depart from me, you that work iniquity!" (Some Christians believe Jesus will say this to those who do not trust in him for salvation!)

As previously mentioned, some questions posed by evangelists are charged with fear for the obvious reason: They want to frighten people into believing them by creating doubt which is fear.

The Questions to Ask a Vengeful God

To help you, the reader, not get mentally ensnared if ever cornered and "witnessed to," I will provide you with what I might say to an unforgiving god:

  • If you are God, all-knowing and all-powerful, then why wouldn't you have made your plan of salvation crystal clear for everyone, both past and present? Your message has been mis-interpreted so many ways, how can we know what your plan is? If I follow the history of Christianity closely, your plan of salvation seems to have changed over the past two-thousand years, being different dependent upon the generation and the denomination which one is privy to. And what about those who never had a chance to hear about "your plan of salvation?"
  • If you are perfect, why couldn't you personally craft a perfect, unchanging letter or book to humanity that could not be corrupted or changed by the hands of humans? Better yet, how come an all-powerful god is unable to speak to each individual, personally, one-on-one? God is said to be "omnipresent," so such a task would certainly not be insurmountable.
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    If you are perfect, how could you create imperfect people? Why do so?
  • If you are truly a loving and forgiving god, how could you punish people (whom you created) for infinity for making only finite errors in judgment - temporary mistakes?
  • If you are the Almighty, how come you are incapable of saving everyone? Jesus is said to have stated, "The things that are impossible with men are possible with God." Is fixing the human mess impossible for you?
  • If you are all-knowing and loving, why would you create 'bad' people who you foreknew would ultimately suffer for all of eternity? That doesn't sound very loving at all. And if people are bad, how did 'bad' originate from a god who claims to be only good?
  • Do two wrongs make a right? In other words, if people do bad things, why would you do bad things to them in return, such as punish them in Hell?
  • How could any of us find peace in Heaven, if there were others, whom we love (e.g. family members), suffering eternal punishment in Hell? Nope, Heaven must surely be full of tears if a place called "Hell" exists to punish even one soul. Are you not powerful enough to redeem all?

These are just some of the things I would say to a god who is vengeful (if there were such a god). I am not disputing the existence of a higher power. But to me, a divine being that falls short of love is not very divine at all. After all, the Bible state that love is patient, kind, does not envy... 

Yes, I think religious doctrines based upon fear are manmade. Period. - Louis Charles

The Jesus Religion Book

Want to learn more about what was likely the real message of the man Jesus, as well as find freedom from fearful Christian ideas and teachings?

Then, get the book Jesus Religion and learn why Christian doctrines are illogical and cannot be true.

Find your path to spirituality and peace without all the religious devices.

Know that you are already eternally connected to God, the Spirit.

The book Jesus Religion  is available on Amazon.com.