The Presque Isle Lighthouse, the old one that is, was built in 1840 on Lake Huron, Michigan. It was quickly taken out of service by 1870, due to a newer, taller lighthouse being built. Thus, the former was abandoned. Of historical importance, a family known as the Stebbins lovingly restored the lighthouse and keeper's dwelling as use for a summer home in the early 1900's. The Stebbins eventually opened the old Presque Isle Lighthouse to visitors, and later on left it to tourism.
Eventually, George and Lorraine Parris moved into the keeper's dwelling to take care of it and show tourists the old lighthouse and grounds. George loved children and truly enjoyed showing the Presque Isle Light to their visitors, but he noticed some strange happenings at the haunted place. The amber light would sometimes be seen lit in the lighthouse tower, yet, there would be no one there. In fact, the US Coast Guard removed the wiring in 1979 to prevent this from happening further; and it did cease, but only for for a while.
George eventually passed away, and his wife Lorraine, knew he was still there. Every day, George used to make them breakfast before his passing, and she would awaken often to the smell of bacon and eggs, after his death! The amber light began to be seen as well in the tower of the haunted lighthouse after his passing, and was observed not only by Lorraine, but by the Coast Guard while on the water, and by the National Guard when in air!
What further cemented the idea of the ghost being George who haunted the lighthouse was when a young girl climbed up to the tower and returned giggling with glee. She informed her parents that an older man had spoken to her and entertained her while up in the tower. Later, she was able to identify him as George Parris after seeing his portrait!