Azusa Ghost Story

Ghost story by Bobbie entitled, The Unexplained...

Strange things started happening after my friends, Chloe and Isaac, and I saw some ghost photos. We're seeing ghosts, now.

Here's the full story.

We saw some photos of ghosts while looking at a bunch of websites. Shadow, Chloe's dog, started acting uneasy, so we decided to investigate.

While we were outside, I looked at a small pink birdhouse by the door, and saw a little blue light shift as if hiding.

Shortly after, Isaac felt cold. We began to look upstairs and I saw the little blue light again. It appeared shy. When we went back outside, Isaac's watch (which can detect abnormal, perhaps paranormal vibrations) began to beep really fast when it was near my small purse. Ghosts.

Chloe had me try and communicate with the ghost. The following scene is the result: A little girl, not much older than my five-year-old neighbor, was crying a cry for help. No one answered. The scene disapeared and the little girl saw me. She said, " Mama...dead."

I told them this. They thought it was sad. I still think it sad as I write this.

She said "help." Her mama is dead. She's (her mama's) in heaven. The little girl is a lost ghost. She wants to be with her mother.

The rest is unexplained. Please take to mind the girl, the uneasy dog, and the little "shy" light. I told the girl that her family was with her and that she needs to just join them by heading into the light. She smiled, then said, "Thanks. Bye!" I have not seen her since.

Ghost story by Bobbie called, The Unexplained.
Strange things started happening after my friends, Chloe and Isaac, and I saw some ghost photos. We're seeing ghosts, now.
Here's the full story:
We saw some photos of ghosts while looking at a bunch of websites. Shadow, Chloe's dog, started acting uneasy, so we decided to investigate.  
While we were outside, I looked at a small pink birdhouse by the door, and saw a little blue light shift as if hiding.
Shortly after, Isaac felt cold. We began to look upstairs and I saw the little blue light again. It appeared shy. When we went back outside, Isaac's watch (which can detect abnormal, perhaps paranormal vibrations) began to beep really fast when it was near my small purse. Ghosts. Chloe had me try to communicate with the ghost. The following scene is the result:  A little girl, not much older than my five-year-old neighbor, was crying a cry for help.  No one answered.  The scene disapeared and the little girl saw me.  She said, "  Mama...dead."
I told them this. They thought it was sad. I still think it sad as I write this.
She said "help." Her mama is dead. She's (her mama's) in heaven. The little girl is a lost ghost.  She wants to be with her mother.
The rest is unexplained. Please take to mind the girl, the uneasy dog, and the little "shy" light.  I told the girl that her family was with her and that she needs to just join them by heading into the light.  She smiled, then said, "Thanks.  Bye!"  I have not seen her since.