Over the years of publishing information about interactions with spirits and ghosts, we have heard about attacks from ghosts — things like being touched, pinched, pushed or scratched. And some of it has happened to us, personally, or to our friends who investigate cases of haunting.
While this subject can be frightening stuff, we feel it necessary to let people know it is not the norm. Ghost attacks do happen, but attacks from people WITH bodies also occur. If ghosts are people, and we believe they are, why would we expect behavior of human spirits to be any different than those of us who walk the Earth in bodies, seriously?
There’s an old saying: “Wherever you go, there you are.”
We can’t run from our problems and, so it would seem, that dying does not instantly cure our mistaken thinking, latent fears, or patterned (poor) behavior. So, I guess the point I am attempting to make is that some ghosts certainly behave evilly; that makes sense to me. But most ghosts do not behave like devils.
Ghost Scratches: Say What?
Of the different ghost stories we hear about, the oddest might concern accounts of “ghost scratches” when you think about it (and we hear a lot of strange stuff). If you have not been scratched by a ghost or heard about it before, allow me to explain. The victim of a ghost scratching attack will describe first feeling a burning sensation on either their face, limbs or torso, seemingly coming from out of nowhere. Then, red marks will typically appear on the surface of the skin. (For an example of this, read about the Hanover, PA Haunting where scratching and pinching are said to be common occurrences.)
Ghost Scratches: Questions
Because paranormal scratching is odd, I cannot help but have a hundred questions about such attacks. What would cause someone to want to scratch another (OK, let’s say to deter); and if this phenomenon is truly a ghost scratching another person, then why this method of attack? Is it easier for ghosts to pull off scratching people (because of no body) than, say, punching someone in the face? Why or how do the scratches burn? How do some ghosts learn to do this — is there a learning curve? I’ll stop there.
In my book, Helping Ghosts, we investigated several cases that involved nasty ghost behavior, and I was fortunate not to encounter an attack though we did face down some menacing spirits in our attempt to end the haunts and help the lost spirits (and homeowners). And some of our fellow investigators did experience attacks.
All of this has simply led me to believe that there is so much we do not yet understand about ghosts, why these spirits behave certain ways, and our interpretation of that behavior. The best we can do as investigators of the unknown is to keep an open mind, try not to make assumptions, and remain wise but fearless. - Louis