Spooky Ghost Photos, Ghost Shadows…

October 2012

Our favorite month is here, and we have been hard at work upgrading Angels & Ghosts. We’ve launched our new homepage, our new ghost hunting store and will soon be redesigning the interior category pages of our website. By the end of the year, our mobile site will also be live. Enjoy a better experience and a better look! – Louis Charles

Shadow People…


Ghost shadows story…

From time to time, we like to dispel common misconceptions about ghosts, spirits and haunting. Recently, we received a fantastic account of interaction with ghost shadows (aka shadow ghosts, shadow people, dark shadows, hat people, etc) from Gabriel.

Read Ghost Shadows and learn more…

Ghost Pictures…


A ghost sits beside this woman…

Enjoy this month’s page of ghost pictures.

We have unique submissions and some old classics for your ghost study.

Check out our Spooky Ghost Photos

New Homepage!


Our old Angels & Ghosts homepage is a thing of the past as we welcome our new look!

The new homepage features banners, images, and nicely organized drop-down menu.

Take a look at Angels & Ghosts


Get a copy of Helping Ghosts!

Best Journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts


Helping Ghosts



New Angels & Ghosts Store!

We are excited to announce that our former Fringe Technology Store has been moved and renamed the Angels & Ghosts Store!

We still have the same selection of ghost hunting equipment such as EMF meters, full spectrum cameras, ghost box spirit communicators, laser grid lights and more! Once we complete the upgrade (we are working on a mobile version, next), the Angels & Ghosts website will be updated with a brand new homepage. Until then, pays us a visit at https://AngelsGhosts.com/store.

Louis Charles

Ghosts & Angels on Tap! July 2012 Newsletter


Both Ghosts and Angels on Tap!

Louis Charles

July 2012

I know it’s been a while since we have written you about angels. This month, we are happy to make you aware of an incredible angel sighting. We also have some great ghost pictures to review and an account of ghostly experiences from a 12 year old girl.

Have a great month and enjoy the following articles and photographs!

The Shanksville Angel Sightings

Flight 93 and angels?

Lillie Leonardi was at the crash scene of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania that occurred as part of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Recently, she published a book that details her story of seeing angels at the crash scene. Her insightful thoughts caught our attention, and so, we suggest looking closer at Lillie’s Shanksville Angel Sightings.

Ghost Sightings From a 12 Year Old

Kids and ghosts…

Some are too quick to discount ghost sightings from children. But yet, many experiences with ghosts seem to come from kids. Are they all bogus, or could some be real?

This month we look at several sightings from a 12 year old and her friends. Did they encounter ghosts? You decide…

Ghost Sightings Stories

Ghost Pictures That Are Dang Good

Apparition in a video still?

The owner of a Perth tearoom comes forward with a surveillance video capture of what appears to be a ghostly apparition. Some have hailed it to be the best paranormal evidence of the last 10 years. But is it? We looked at the still image taken from the clip, but this just made us wonder, “Where is the ghost video?”

What’s happening in this Scotland Ghost Picture

Face reflected on the card?

Sports card…ghost face. Say what?

Yeah, that’s right. We see a pair of eyeballs looking back at us when we study this Patrick Ewing basketball card. Is it a ghost or coincidence? Pareidolia or proof that items can be haunted?

Decide for yourself: Sports Card Ghost

Figure in a church window.

We’ve all heard that ghosts aren’t supposed to be in churches. Well, we might beg to differ, and so would Leo who captured a figure in its window (when the building was empty). Is this a ghost?

Take a closer look at the Church Window Ghost

Is that a man sitting?

Recently, we received an incredible ghost picture taken in downtown St. Augustine. While snapping photographs of a castle-looking house, Tracey Harrell inadvertently snapped this pic (at right) of what looks to be a man sitting on a chair!

Study the St. Augustine Ghost Picture

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Best Journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts


Helping Ghosts


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The Ghost Box on TV, Ghost Photos & a Gnome?


Ghost Pics & the Ghost Box on Television

Louis Charles

June 2012

Summer is here! We’ve been busy with some timely maintenance on the Angels & Ghosts website, so you might say it’s been a bit different month for us. Stay tuned…our plan is to continue to share compelling photos, interesting stories and experimental technology – all centered around ghosts and spirits.

Have a great month and enjoy the following article and spirited photographs…

The Ghost Box is Being Used More & More on TV

Read on…

Last month, I offered you a free audio download of ghost and spirit voices I had recorded. I captured them through use of a ghost box. In the paranormal community as a whole, the ghost box has been gaining acceptance by those who have kept an open mind. Don’t get me wrong; there are those who refuse to even consider that it could possibly work. Unfortunately, most of those who oppose ghost box use have been on paranormal TV shows. But recently, we’ve noticed the ghost box being used more and more during ghost investigations on television. Read: TV Shows & The Ghost Box

Ghost Pictures & a Gnome Captured?

Ghost in Savannah?

Wow – is that a man in the bushes, behind the bushes or a ghost that manifested in one of the creepiest cemeteries in the United States?

This summer, we take a look at a possible ghost picture snapped last summer. This coming fall, we’ll be going to the exact spot to see what we can “figure” out.

But for now, check-out the Colonial Park Cemetery Ghost Picture

Remodeling Mist?

Many ghost investigators know that construction and remodeling can stir up ghost activity. Perhaps, people can be creatures of comfort and prefer things to remain just as they are. Well, construction and remodeling just might mess up their world. Could this be what is happening in this Construction Mist Picture?

Is that a girl on the landing?

Recently, Hatley Castle in British Columbia popped into the Canadian news. Reportedly haunted for years, a ghost picture has now been captured of what many believe to be a girl or woman, standing on the stairs landing. At least some believe it is a ghost in the photograph. Do you?

Examine the Hatley Castle Ghost Picture

Gnome-looking man…

We know. We know. What is a Gnome Picture doing with our ghost pictures? Quite frankly, we were too enamored by it to not include it in this month’s ghost and spirit photos. After all, we don’t really know what it is. Do you? Is it a ghost, spirit or just a trick of the eye?

Take a close look at the Gnome Picture

Get the book on Amazon!

Best journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts


Helping Ghosts


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Ghosts: Pictures, Articles & Tools!


Ghosts: Photos & Articles

Louis Charles

May 2012

It’s May, and we have some great ghost and spirit photos to see. This month, you’ll also enjoy learning about how you can learn to talk with ghosts and how ghosts and spirits may be trying to reach us through our electronic devices.

Read on…

Listen to My Story of Recording Ghosts!

Free Audio Download!

How about listening to an audio clip of me telling my story about working with ghosts? This is how I got started recording their voices after being skeptical but willing to give it a go. Hear some of the actual recordings from ghosts and spirits that compelled me to learn how to communicate with those on the other side!

Free Download of Helping Ghosts Chapter 3

Talk to Ghosts

Want to talk with ghosts?

Learn how to speak with ghosts and spirits by several different methods.

In this article, we explore two methods: “tuning-in” yourself and using the ghost box. Many people know how to record EVP, so we thought it would be better to touch on two other methods of communicating with those around you in the unseen.

Read: Talk to Ghosts

Now, the Ghost Pictures…

Ghost or angel on stage?

You can see the risers on the school stage. But there are no people there, and this figure is amazingly large. Some report angels, when sighted, as being big and intimidating – up to 8 feet tall. Is this an angel? A ghost? Take a look and make up your own mind.

Check-out the Concert Stage Ghost Picture

Hidden head?

Cool photograph has the head of a teen or young man in it. The trouble is that there was no one hiding under the table and the couch would be in the way of his body (if this head had one). Is it a ghost? A prank? You decide.

See the Hidden Head Photo

Is that a skull?

A professional photographer captured our next ghost photo. At first glance, the area looks odd. Then, you can see what may be a buttoned up coat – maybe, military. But what about the head? And is that a skull above it?

Examine the Newtown Ghost Photo

Female form?

Whoa – she was this island’s longest residence. Is she still residing there, looking over the operation? While on a field trip, a young school girl photographed what some believe to be the ghost of a woman.

Look closely at the Tasmania Ghost Picture

Full Spectrum Helmet Cam

Full spectrum cameras see what you can and cannot!

This item is cool because it is inexpensive and ready for you to experiment with in full spectrum. You figure out how to mount it for investigations along with your choice of an IR light source (not included):

  • Affordable – $69
  • Full spectrum
  • Small and lightweight

Full Spectrum Helmet Cam

Ghosts Communicating with Electronics?

An original ghost box.

Read about how ghosts may be trying to communicate with us by leaving voicemails, sending e-mails and using electronic devices to reach from beyond the grave. Are electronics the key to bridging the gap?

Read: Ghosts Communicating

Get the book on Amazon!

Best journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts


Helping Ghosts


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Genie Bottles, Eclipses, Ghosts & Spirits!


Spring is Early – Time for New Stuff

Louis Charles

March 2012

It’s a great month, and we have some interesting stories, videos and photos to share with you. Before that, allow me to give you a couple of quick updates.

Facebook – We have updated the Angels & Ghosts Facebook page to the new Timeline look with daily postings of news about ghosts and spirits. If you haven’t Liked the page, you can do so, here: Angels & Ghosts Facebook

Twitter – Get daily updates on ghosts, spirits and thoughts on Twitter. Follow me, here: Angels & Ghosts Twitter

Full Spectrum Camcorders – We have been developing new ghost investigation camcorders: a full spectrum camcorder and full spectrum helmet cam! These devices can see what we see and more! Check them out at the Full Spectrum Camcorder

Eclipses Alert – We wanted to give you advance warning of a crazy, upcoming phenomenon involving eclipses and maybe a spiritual significance: 2014-2015 Eclipses Align with Jewish Holy Days

Tuesday, March 27th at 8:00 PM EST, I will be talking ghosts on the radio program, Spirits Among Us, on ParaMania Radio. Join us for our spirited discussion!

Genie Bottles…Ghosts?

Did Genie Bottles Hold Ghosts?

The idea of genies and some of their lore could be associated with ghosts and their behavior. Are ghosts and genies related? This article is a continuance of our previous article, Ghosts in a Bottle.

This month, we briefly explore the origin of the word genie and beliefs in jinni – spirits. Read: Jinni, Genies, Bottles & Lamps

New Ghost Photos…

Ghost Man on Pier?

Some great ghost pictures were added this month, from a ghost on a pier, to a shadow ghost photographed inside the infamous Pirate House Restaurant in Savannah, Georgia!

Check out our ever growing collection of Ghost Pictures.

Spirit Photo?

Is that a man’s face?

Recently, we received what may be the photo of a family member in spirit, taken as a funeral was coming to conclusion.

Examine this photograph closely, and you just may see the image of a man’s face. Is it a spirit or just an incredible combination of sunlight and background?

Take a look and decide for yourself: Family Angel Picture

More Ghost Videos

Compilation of GH’ Reveals

This month’s collection of 11 ghost videos focuses on some of the better ghost evidence captured by SyFy’s Ghost Hunters as well as some interesting anomalies and stories. Don’t miss the following ghost videos:

Conference Room Ghost

College Ghost Story

For a good chuckle, watch Funny Ghost Hunters Clips!

More Angels, Ghosts and Spirits to Enjoy!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

Feel free to search through thousands of pages of information about ghosts and spirits! Below are links to some major sections of the Angels & Ghosts website:

More Ghost Videos

2012 Ghost Pictures Collection

2012 Angel Pictures Collection

New Products Added to the Ghost Store!

Fringe Technology Store: Need a Ghost Box?

Be sure and visit over the next month or so, as we are experimenting and creating new fringe technology items.

Check out our very popular rechargeable ghost hunting camera with expanded eyesight (and it can see in the dark)!

Full Spectrum Camera

Get the book on Amazon!

Best wishes,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts


Helping Ghosts


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Leap Into Ghosts & Spirits! February 2012


Leap into Ghosts & Spirits!

Louis Charles

February 2012

This Thursday, February 23rd, I will be chatting with Amy Fortney of Fox Cities Paranormal Radio to talk about ghosts – especially the idea of how we can help them instead of hunt them. Join us for the discussion on LiveParanormal or on their channel found on BlogTalk Radio.

This month, I’m excited to share some new ghost and angel pictures, new ghost videos, and an interesting article that explores the phenomenon of faces found within orbs.

Faces Inside Orbs?

Man in Orb

Not only do we examine photos of orbs that appear to have faces, heads or human attributes, we explore the idea of orbs in general. Are any orbs real? If so, what might they be made of? You may be surprised by what you read about this controversial matter. Read: Orb Faces

New Ghost Pictures Added…

Lee Harvey in Window?

We’ve added some very cool ghost photos this month. One ghost picture was taken outside the window of the old book depository – the same window from where Lee Harvey Oswald is said to have shot JFK! Do you see a man crouching there?

Check out our ever growing collection of Ghost Pictures.

Stunning Angel Picture!

Baby & Her Angel?

A grandmother had made her presence known many times after her death, but it was near impossible to prove to others that she was watching over the family. Then, an important moment in time was recorded with a camera. One of three photos taken in succession had an anomaly on it. Did Teri capture the spirit of ‘gramma’ with her and their newborn baby? Look closely, and you just might see the matriarch in the background observing: Baby Angel Picture

Ghost Videos of Interest

Chicopee Paranormal EVP

This month’s collection of 11 ghost videos focuses on Hollywood ghost stories and some interesting captures of apparitions (and more). Don’t miss the following ghost videos:

Girl Apparition Video

Hollywood Apparition Ghost Video

And for laughs? See Funny Girl Ghost and Funky Bess!

More Angels, Ghosts & Spirits to Enjoy!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

Feel free to search through thousands of pages of information about ghosts and spirits! Below are links to some major sections of the Angels & Ghosts website:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures

Espanol Angeles y Fantasmas!

More Shortcuts to Spirits:

Ghost Pictures Collection

Angel Pictures Collection

New Products Coming to the Ghost Store!

Fringe Technology Store

Be sure and visit over the next month or so, as we are experimenting and creating new fringe technology items.

Check out our selection of special ghost investigation equipment.

Fringe Technology Store

Get the book on Amazon!

Best wishes,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts


Helping Ghosts


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Ghosts! 2012 Ghost News!

Happy New Year! Ghosts & More Ghosts…

Ghostly mist…

January 2012

Is 2012 really here? With all the Mayan prophecy stuff, we feel this year is shaping up to be fantastic and without any doom or gloom!

To kick things off, we want to share our list of this year’s ghost conferences as well as a compilation of interesting 2012 psychic predictions. We also have some intriguing ghost articles, compelling EVPs of child voices, and phenomenal ghost photographs to share!

2012 Ghost Conferences

Meet & Talk Ghosts!

Each year, there are dozens of ghost conferences to attend across the globe. We have compiled some of the better ones for your quick disposal, here: Ghost Conferences!

2012 Psychic Predictions!

2012 Psychic Predictions…

Whoa! What does 2012 hold in store for the world? We found and listed some pretty interesting psychic predictions for the new year. What will happen around the globe? Who will be President? Any shocking news coming from Hollywood? What about the economy? Some of the prognostications may amaze you. Visit: Psychic Predictions for 2012!

Native Americans: Ghosts & Spirits

American Indians & Ghosts…

Do Native American beliefs allow for ghosts and spirits?

You may be surprised as you read some quotes we sourced from famous, wise American Indian leaders: chiefs, medicine men and poets. We found ideas about the spirit realm, spirit visitation and more.

Learn about these spiritual people at Native Americans: Ghosts & Spirits

Villisca Ax Murder House Ghosts…

Two of the 6 children…

Ever wonder if children can be ghosts? The Villisca Ax Murder House is possibly still haunted by the ghosts of victims from almost 100 years ago. Six children lost their lives, then, and we may have the recordings of their voices. Who will help them?

Read about and listen to the

Villisca Ax Murder House: Child Voices

New Ghost Pictures Added!

Birdcage Theatre Ghost?

Ghost Pictures? You decide…

Take a look at these newly added ghost & spirit pictures:

Tombstone Birdcage Theatre Ghost

Facial Apparition Ghost Picture

Haunting Mists Ghost Pictures

New Mexico Office Ghost

Red Man Ghost Picture

More Angels, Ghosts & Spirits to Enjoy!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

Feel free to search through thousands of pages of information about ghosts and spirits! Below are links to some major sections of the Angels & Ghosts website:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures

Espanol Angeles y Fantasmas!

More Shortcuts to Spirits:

Ghost Pictures Collection

Angel Pictures Collection

Visit Our Ghost Store!

The Fringe Technology Store

Buy a full spectrum camera or pick up a ghost box!

Check out our selection of special ghost investigation equipment.

Fringe Technology Store

Get the book on Amazon!

Best wishes to you this year,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts


Helping Ghosts


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False Ghost Pictures: Taking Pictures Through Glass

When reviewing ghost pictures, we often receive images that have been taken through glass such as a window panes, door glass, etc. This can make it more difficult to see if there is actually a ghostly apparition within the photo. Many times, people visit museums and take photos of exhibits encased in glass and are surprise to see “ghosts” appearing in the frame.

The most common type of non-ghost we see when shooting pictures through glass is usually a human form of someone who was in the room with the photographer – a mere reflection of either their body or shadow. Often, the photographer’s own reflection of a body part will be mistaken for an entity. It’s also important to know that smudges, dirt and fingerprints on glass will illuminate with light of the camera’s flash and look ethereal and see through. The issue with glass reflections, of course, is that the everything reflected is transparent – see through.

If at all possible, try not to take photographs through glass while ghost investigating. If you have to do so, then work to explain anomalies by first considering natural reflection effects. Try and account for everyone who was in the room (and especially where they were at when the photo was recorded), and do not be afraid to attempt to duplicate the effect to either validate or disprove it.

Source: False Ghost Pictures: Glass Reflection

Holidays & a Rise in Haunting?

Over the past two weeks, I’m having more and more people contact me with what I shall call “ghost problems.” Some are being pestered while others are simply seeing ghost activity elevate within their homes or around their children. Descriptions of haunting, recently, have included seeing shadow ghosts, hearing voices and the manipulation of the physical environment in some way (e.g. moving or missing objects, bangings, etc).

I’m wondering if during the holiday season there might be a rise in ghost activity. A ghost is simply a disembodied human spirit (my definition for this post), and human beings react differently during this time of year, it seems. Could the thought of the holidays still affect people while in the ethereal realms? Are ghosts and spirits more involved in our lives during celebrations? Can holidays hold a negative connotation for some lost spirits; while to others, it may simply make them more joyous? Just some thoughts to consider while drinking our eggnog and enjoying family and friends as 2011 comes to a close.

If you are experiencing a haunting, remain fearless and compassionate toward the person unseen who is with you. You might just find that Aunt Martha has been trying to make her presence known, and you wouldn’t want to upset Aunt Martha.

Seriously, if you need help solving a haunting in a compassionate way, may I recommend the book, Helping Ghosts?