New Angels & Ghosts Store!

We are excited to announce that our former Fringe Technology Store has been moved and renamed the Angels & Ghosts Store!

We still have the same selection of ghost hunting equipment such as EMF meters, full spectrum cameras, ghost box spirit communicators, laser grid lights and more! Once we complete the upgrade (we are working on a mobile version, next), the Angels & Ghosts website will be updated with a brand new homepage. Until then, pays us a visit at

Louis Charles

Ghosts & Angels on Tap! July 2012 Newsletter


Both Ghosts and Angels on Tap!

Louis Charles

July 2012

I know it’s been a while since we have written you about angels. This month, we are happy to make you aware of an incredible angel sighting. We also have some great ghost pictures to review and an account of ghostly experiences from a 12 year old girl.

Have a great month and enjoy the following articles and photographs!

The Shanksville Angel Sightings

Flight 93 and angels?

Lillie Leonardi was at the crash scene of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania that occurred as part of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Recently, she published a book that details her story of seeing angels at the crash scene. Her insightful thoughts caught our attention, and so, we suggest looking closer at Lillie’s Shanksville Angel Sightings.

Ghost Sightings From a 12 Year Old

Kids and ghosts…

Some are too quick to discount ghost sightings from children. But yet, many experiences with ghosts seem to come from kids. Are they all bogus, or could some be real?

This month we look at several sightings from a 12 year old and her friends. Did they encounter ghosts? You decide…

Ghost Sightings Stories

Ghost Pictures That Are Dang Good

Apparition in a video still?

The owner of a Perth tearoom comes forward with a surveillance video capture of what appears to be a ghostly apparition. Some have hailed it to be the best paranormal evidence of the last 10 years. But is it? We looked at the still image taken from the clip, but this just made us wonder, “Where is the ghost video?”

What’s happening in this Scotland Ghost Picture

Face reflected on the card?

Sports card…ghost face. Say what?

Yeah, that’s right. We see a pair of eyeballs looking back at us when we study this Patrick Ewing basketball card. Is it a ghost or coincidence? Pareidolia or proof that items can be haunted?

Decide for yourself: Sports Card Ghost

Figure in a church window.

We’ve all heard that ghosts aren’t supposed to be in churches. Well, we might beg to differ, and so would Leo who captured a figure in its window (when the building was empty). Is this a ghost?

Take a closer look at the Church Window Ghost

Is that a man sitting?

Recently, we received an incredible ghost picture taken in downtown St. Augustine. While snapping photographs of a castle-looking house, Tracey Harrell inadvertently snapped this pic (at right) of what looks to be a man sitting on a chair!

Study the St. Augustine Ghost Picture

Get the book on Amazon!

Best Journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts

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Ghosts: Pictures, Articles & Tools!


Ghosts: Photos & Articles

Louis Charles

May 2012

It’s May, and we have some great ghost and spirit photos to see. This month, you’ll also enjoy learning about how you can learn to talk with ghosts and how ghosts and spirits may be trying to reach us through our electronic devices.

Read on…

Listen to My Story of Recording Ghosts!

Free Audio Download!

How about listening to an audio clip of me telling my story about working with ghosts? This is how I got started recording their voices after being skeptical but willing to give it a go. Hear some of the actual recordings from ghosts and spirits that compelled me to learn how to communicate with those on the other side!

Free Download of Helping Ghosts Chapter 3

Talk to Ghosts

Want to talk with ghosts?

Learn how to speak with ghosts and spirits by several different methods.

In this article, we explore two methods: “tuning-in” yourself and using the ghost box. Many people know how to record EVP, so we thought it would be better to touch on two other methods of communicating with those around you in the unseen.

Read: Talk to Ghosts

Now, the Ghost Pictures…

Ghost or angel on stage?

You can see the risers on the school stage. But there are no people there, and this figure is amazingly large. Some report angels, when sighted, as being big and intimidating – up to 8 feet tall. Is this an angel? A ghost? Take a look and make up your own mind.

Check-out the Concert Stage Ghost Picture

Hidden head?

Cool photograph has the head of a teen or young man in it. The trouble is that there was no one hiding under the table and the couch would be in the way of his body (if this head had one). Is it a ghost? A prank? You decide.

See the Hidden Head Photo

Is that a skull?

A professional photographer captured our next ghost photo. At first glance, the area looks odd. Then, you can see what may be a buttoned up coat – maybe, military. But what about the head? And is that a skull above it?

Examine the Newtown Ghost Photo

Female form?

Whoa – she was this island’s longest residence. Is she still residing there, looking over the operation? While on a field trip, a young school girl photographed what some believe to be the ghost of a woman.

Look closely at the Tasmania Ghost Picture

Full Spectrum Helmet Cam

Full spectrum cameras see what you can and cannot!

This item is cool because it is inexpensive and ready for you to experiment with in full spectrum. You figure out how to mount it for investigations along with your choice of an IR light source (not included):

  • Affordable – $69
  • Full spectrum
  • Small and lightweight

Full Spectrum Helmet Cam

Ghosts Communicating with Electronics?

An original ghost box.

Read about how ghosts may be trying to communicate with us by leaving voicemails, sending e-mails and using electronic devices to reach from beyond the grave. Are electronics the key to bridging the gap?

Read: Ghosts Communicating

Get the book on Amazon!

Best journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts

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Angels Watching Us – Why? Ghost Pictures to Explore…

Ghost Pictures & Angels Watching?

Louis Charles

April 2012

For April’s newsletter, we are featuring an article about why spirits watch us, a story about a Japanese ghost ship, and some newly found ghost pictures that just might give us incredible glimpses into the spirit world.

Each piece of potential evidence, even our thoughts and memorable experiences can give us a better understanding of what lies beyond the norm.

First, the Ghost Pictures…

Look closely behind Anna…

She has seen the ghost who haunts her most of her life, and he makes unannounced appearances in her photographs. Anna sent us two ghost photos this month that have the same shadow entity in the background. Examine the photo carefully, and you will see that this is not a normal shadow behind her.

Check-out Anna’s Creepy Ghost Photos

Moving lights in Limerick?

Limerick, Ireland has an old milk market that is watched closely at night by a host of security cameras. Recently, after video recorded at night was reviewed, it was discovered that this site is very much alive – haunted.

Read the story about the Limerick Ghost Picture

Strange anomaly near grandmother…

Before her grandmother passed, Brandy was staying with her and personally took some pictures of her with a film camera. This was 6 years ago. Later, she noticed some weird things with the photos. Are they ghosts? At the time, there was something strange about the place…

Is this picture possibly Grandmother’s Ghost?

Is this figure proof of the haunting?

Dave from the United Kingdom shared his story of haunting with Angels & Ghosts, and he included a compelling ghost picture that really impressed us. This ghost figure is not some sort of light reflection. The camera was tilted and the ghostly image is turned, too, as if standing in place. Striking!

Faceless Figure Ghost Photograph

Maybe too “blankety” blank?

To be honest, the dark mass in this ghost picture could be a hoax. We just don’t know. But in the spirit of keeping an open mind, we thought you might like to see it and come to your own conclusion. It does have that “spook factor!”

Dark Mass Ghost Picture

Capture Your Own Ghosts!

Ghost hunting cameras see what you can and cannot!

This month, we released a new line of ghost hunting cameras that can see in the dark with Infrared lighting:

  • Affordable – $99
  • 12.1 mp full spectrum
  • Rechargeable lithium battery

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Why Do Angels Watch Us?

Are people in spirit watching us?

This month we look at biblical passages about angels observing humanity and connect the dots to attempt understand why there are unseen people in spirit around us. Explore ideas about why spirits observe mankind and what’s in it for them, and maybe, you.

Read Why Do Angels Watch Us?

Japanese Tsunami Ghost Ship

Ship sets sail on its own.

This story happened early 2012, and with the recent Titanic fanfare, we thought a short story about the Japanese Tsunami ghost ship might be interesting. After all, it’s not everyday that a big boat decides to sail the ocean unmanned.

Japan Tsunami Ghost Ship

Get the book on Amazon!

Best journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts

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Genie Bottles, Eclipses, Ghosts & Spirits!


Spring is Early – Time for New Stuff

Louis Charles

March 2012

It’s a great month, and we have some interesting stories, videos and photos to share with you. Before that, allow me to give you a couple of quick updates.

Facebook – We have updated the Angels & Ghosts Facebook page to the new Timeline look with daily postings of news about ghosts and spirits. If you haven’t Liked the page, you can do so, here: Angels & Ghosts Facebook

Twitter – Get daily updates on ghosts, spirits and thoughts on Twitter. Follow me, here: Angels & Ghosts Twitter

Full Spectrum Camcorders – We have been developing new ghost investigation camcorders: a full spectrum camcorder and full spectrum helmet cam! These devices can see what we see and more! Check them out at the Full Spectrum Camcorder

Eclipses Alert – We wanted to give you advance warning of a crazy, upcoming phenomenon involving eclipses and maybe a spiritual significance: 2014-2015 Eclipses Align with Jewish Holy Days

Tuesday, March 27th at 8:00 PM EST, I will be talking ghosts on the radio program, Spirits Among Us, on ParaMania Radio. Join us for our spirited discussion!

Genie Bottles…Ghosts?

Did Genie Bottles Hold Ghosts?

The idea of genies and some of their lore could be associated with ghosts and their behavior. Are ghosts and genies related? This article is a continuance of our previous article, Ghosts in a Bottle.

This month, we briefly explore the origin of the word genie and beliefs in jinni – spirits. Read: Jinni, Genies, Bottles & Lamps

New Ghost Photos…

Ghost Man on Pier?

Some great ghost pictures were added this month, from a ghost on a pier, to a shadow ghost photographed inside the infamous Pirate House Restaurant in Savannah, Georgia!

Check out our ever growing collection of Ghost Pictures.

Spirit Photo?

Is that a man’s face?

Recently, we received what may be the photo of a family member in spirit, taken as a funeral was coming to conclusion.

Examine this photograph closely, and you just may see the image of a man’s face. Is it a spirit or just an incredible combination of sunlight and background?

Take a look and decide for yourself: Family Angel Picture

More Ghost Videos

Compilation of GH’ Reveals

This month’s collection of 11 ghost videos focuses on some of the better ghost evidence captured by SyFy’s Ghost Hunters as well as some interesting anomalies and stories. Don’t miss the following ghost videos:

Conference Room Ghost

College Ghost Story

For a good chuckle, watch Funny Ghost Hunters Clips!

More Angels, Ghosts and Spirits to Enjoy!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

Feel free to search through thousands of pages of information about ghosts and spirits! Below are links to some major sections of the Angels & Ghosts website:

More Ghost Videos

2012 Ghost Pictures Collection

2012 Angel Pictures Collection

New Products Added to the Ghost Store!

Fringe Technology Store: Need a Ghost Box?

Be sure and visit over the next month or so, as we are experimenting and creating new fringe technology items.

Check out our very popular rechargeable ghost hunting camera with expanded eyesight (and it can see in the dark)!

Full Spectrum Camera

Get the book on Amazon!

Best wishes,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts

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December Newsletter – Angels & Ghosts!

Angelic Accounts for the Holidays!

Are you aware of angels with you?

December 2011

More Angels Than Ghosts This Month!
With the holiday season upon us, we thought it might be nice to share some inspiring stories about angels – unseen spirits who are with us to observe, guide, and at times, help. We know you’ll enjoy this month’s accounts of angelic help!

We’ve also added a few new angel (spirit) pictures this month for your enjoyment. Have a great month and enjoy your time with family.

Book Update
The Jesus Religion Revised Edition is still in the works for publishing, but we are a bit behind during this busy, holiday season. Stay tuned – it will have some new content and revised verbiage to better help those who need what lies between its covers.


Stories of Archangels & Angels Bringing Help

You will not believe what she saw…

The following accounts of angels are truly inspiring!

Near Death Experience & Death Bed Angels
Did her NDE give her the ability to see the angels attending her mom during her last days on earth?

Archangels Story
Read what Kathy did to help clear her troubled house.


New Ghost & Angel Pictures, Ghost Videos to See!

Convent nun spirit – is it real?

Ghost Pictures? Angel Pictures?

Take a look at these newly added ghost & spirit pictures:
Theatre Ghost Picture
Carriage House Ghost Picture
Swinging Bridge Ghosts
Daughter’s Doorway Ghost?
Funeral Spirit Picture
Convent Nun Picture (at left)
1960 Angel or Spirit Picture
Ava’s Angel Photos

Recent Ghost Videos: Just in time for the Holidays, get in the “spirit” by watching these newly added Ghost Videos. (Hint: Be sure and see the ghost girl in a white dress!)


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

Please enjoy our thousands of pages of information about ghosts and spirits!

Below are links to some of the main sections of the Angels & Ghosts website:

Ghost Stories
Angel Stories
Ghost Videos
Ghost Pictures
Angel Pictures
Espanol Angeles y Fantasmas!

More Shortcuts to Spirits:
This is our latest Ghost Pictures page which is added to each month:
Ghost Pictures Collection

This is our expanding Angel Pictures page which is added to each month:
Angel Pictures Collection


Ghost Store: New Ghost Box!

New Sangean ghost box…

We’ve added a new ghost box for sale at our Fringe Technology Store.

This radio is quality and altered to sweep the AM and FM bands for enhanced EVP collection: two-way ghost and spirit communication.


Get the book on Amazon!

Happy Holidays – enjoy your time with family,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts


Angels & Ghosts News! October 2011

October 2011 – Ghosts, Book Updates & More!

Happy October!

Before I share about new stuff on, I would like to provide an exciting update for both of my books. Currently, Jesus Religion is undergoing a complete rewrite and will become available in a revised edition by the end of this year. My second book, Helping Ghosts is having what I’ll call a “field guide” written for those who work to solve cases of haunting. After receiving a request for this information to be condensed into a format for practical use by clergy and paranormal investigators, I agreed to begin putting a guide book together. Stay tuned – I’m hoping this will publish by the end of 2011, too!


Fun Halloween Page!

Learn how to make this creepy talking head ghost prop!

Enjoy our Halloween page with links to various Halloween ghost pictures, props, and other goodies for fun!

Featured this year is our talking head ghost prop. We’ll show you what you need to pull off this spooky effect for Halloween. Similar effects are found within Disney theme parks’ Haunted Mansions!

Visit our Halloween page.


Spirit Help From Beyond

Are people with us in spirit more than we know?

We explore evidence that others are with us in the invisible – helping and communicating. Do we perceive them? Can we be aware of their presence?

Read: Spirit Help From Beyond


Spontaneous Combustion Ghost Story

Is there a connection between ghosts and cases of spontaneous combustion? We’re not sure but we take a look at one such case that is baffling. A fire of intense heat took place beside this man’s bed one night, coating the room in soot and ash – some of it oily. Orbs were seen prior; could there be a connection?

Read: Spontaneous Combustion & Ghosts


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!


Visit the Fringe Technology Store

Almost every item is one of a kind!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You will find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as ghost boxes, laser grid lights, and full spectrum cameras.

See why big name ghost investigators buy from us – our items are unique!


Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts

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Scrying, Bottle Trees, Ghost Communicators!

Bottle Trees, Ghost Communicators, & the Ghost Car?

Angels & Ghosts Newsletter

August 2011

Summer Break – Last Month of Maintenance

Update – August is the last month of our summer hiatus, though we have been busy with site maintenance behind the scenes. Much more new content, pictures, videos and more will be posted in September to


Kickin’ New Ghost Articles!

Painting by Regina Cornwell of a bottle tree…

The following ghostly articles are interesting, informational and fun!

Ghosts & Bottle Trees

Learn about an old Southern tradition, lore about catching ghosts and spirits.

Ghosts & Scrying

The old method for breaking through the veil in order to communicate with ghosts and deceased family members.

FUN: The Ghost Car
An amazing automobile was built by GM for display at the 1939 World’s Fair.


Radio Shack Hack Ghost Box – Hidden Cache!

We have 4 original 12-470 ghost box models for sale!

Big News for Ghost Communicators!

We found and bought a limited supply of brand new, original Radio Shack Hack radios that we have converted into ghost boxes. This is the model to have but has become very hard to find. In my book, Helping Ghosts, I talk about my use of this model for ghost and spirit communication.

Supplies are limited, so they won’t last long

Get them at the Fringe Technology Store


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

Please enjoy our thousands of pages of information about ghosts and spirits!

Get the book on Amazon!

Have a great month – best wishes on your journey,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts

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July 2011 – Angels & Ghosts Newsletter

July 2011 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

from Louis Charles

Summer Break – New Articles

While we’re still enjoying summer, at Angels & Ghosts we are still writing while working on updates to the website.

This month, we wanted to look at a phenomenon known as “ball lightning.” What is it and can it be something paranormal and related to ghosts? Read more and make up your own mind at: Ball Lightning & Ghosts.

Thanks to participation on our wall at Facebook, stories of ghosts and haunting found within hospitals were posted by Tracey Donnelly and Kelly Copeland. Both of them work at hospitals and shared how haunting is well known within such institutions. Read their accounts at: Hospital Ghosts.


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

We’ve taken some time off from posting new material while we perform maintenance on the Angels & Ghosts website. For now, please enjoy our thousands of pages of information about ghosts and spirits!

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures

Espanol Angeles y Fantasmas!


Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

We have an original ghost box for sale!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You can find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as IR lights, full spectrum cameras, ghost box communication devices, and more!

Right now, we have a limited supply of older and newer ghost communication radios – ghost boxes!


Solve Cases of Haunting by Helping Ghosts Move On!

Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and understand why ghosts do the things they do.

Ghosts have mystified the human experience for thousands of years. This does not mean, however, that we cannot come to an understanding about the behavior of human spirits.

Buy a copy from Amazon!


Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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Angels & Ghosts News! May 2011

May 2011 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

Author, Louis Charles

from Louis Charles

Glad to warm up in the north hemisphere!
It’s great to finally get some warm weather in my neck of the woods. For some, this means vacations are coming. What could be more fun than to take a ghost tour or stay in a haunted hotel?

Just in time for vacation season, we have created three maps that are interactive. One map displays ghost tours; another the locations of haunted hotels; the third, paranormal investigators. So, check out our maps and locate a ghost tour, book a haunted hotel, or maybe join a local ghost investigation team!

1) Ghost Tours Map
2) Haunted Hotels Map
3) Paranormal Investigators Map

(All three maps may also be accessed on the same page entitled, Ghost Map.)


Haunted Mansions

Haunted Mansions in the United States
Haunted houses captivate the imagination of many. If you don’t believe it, just take a trip to Disney World and experience the Haunted Mansion or Tower of Terror theme rides.

This month, we couldn’t resist taking a look at some notoriously haunted mansions (and a couple that could have some ghosts from the past). Check out some Top Haunted Mansions.


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

The following are new pages of photos for May ’11:
Photographs of Ghosts (New Ghost Pictures!)

Angels’ Picture (New Angel Pictures!)

The following are new stories for May ’11:
Native American Haunting Ghost Story

Life Love Angel Story

Page of new ghost videos for May ’11:
Ghost Videos Caught on Tape

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:
Ghost Stories
Angel Stories
Ghost Videos
Ghost Pictures
Angel Pictures
Espanol Angeles y Fantasmas!


Learn to Help Ghosts & Solve Cases of Haunting!

Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and understand why ghosts do the things they do.

Ghosts have mystified the human experience for thousands of years. This does not mean, however, that we cannot come to an understanding about the behavior of human spirits.

Buy a copy from Amazon!

Buy a Signed copy!

Read a review from someone who is not a ghost investigator

Read the Amazon reviews!


Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

One of many different full spectrum cameras in every price range!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store
You can find some unique ghost investigation items here. We are getting ready to add more inventory in the next week, so stop by!

Our IR-converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. Two ghost photos from our customers recently appeared on Coast to Coast Am Radio’s website!


Facebook Give-a-Way!

“Like” our Facebook page and gain access to a free audio download of Helping Ghosts’ Chapter 3!

(The chapter is about my experiments of communicating with spirits and ghosts. Included in the audio are some of the actual messages referenced in the book! You’ll be amazed at how clear the ghost and spirit voices are.)

Like Our Facebook Page Here

The Angels & Ghosts Facebook page is just another way to catch links to articles, photos, stories, evp and more that we post daily. There are over 4500 pages to our website, so our Facebook page is a great way to peruse our fodder!

Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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