At Angels & Ghosts, we receive tons of ghost and angel pictures from all over the world, monthly. The most common picture we receive are called "orb" pictures. We do not claim to be experts on "orb" pictures, as many disagree as to the significance of them in the ghost hunting community. Orbs can be caused by moisture, dust, flash reflection, solar flare and spiritual energy. Many have videotaped orbs flying around rooms - some are dust with light reflecting off of it; others are balls of energy that many ghost hunters are not sure just what they represent. We do not claim to have the answers, but we seek to present the evidence we receive and allow our viewers to research and decide on their own.
It is hard to determine exactly the source of an orb for sure...some are downright questionable, thus we cannot post all orb pictures we receive. The following pictures have orbs in them, and we are not sure what caused them. We could claim them to be dust, but do we really know that? We just posted these orb pics together (received from different people), so you could see how orbs appear in photographs of all types...
1 & 2: "I was going through some old photos. Found a picture of an orb. As I looked closer at it, the orb had a visible face."- David
3: Bea sent us this orb picture, and one has to wonder about how in so many orb photos the orb appears directly above a person's head. Do each of us have energy that can be displayed as orbs?
4: Allison from Brecksville, Ohio sent us this orb picture taken at a church event. There definitely is a connection between spirituality and orbs. Many believe them to be more than just spiritual energy; some believe they could be the soul -- "the light within" Jesus spoke of. You decide...
5: "I took these pictures of my new bedroom set yesterday to send to some family members. When I put them onto the computer from my digital camera that's when I noticed the 'orbs' above my bed. I took another picture just to be sure and they were no longer there. The home I live in is only 6 months old and all other pictures I've taken around the house don't show any "orbs" at all."- Henrikson