At Angels & Ghosts, we receive tons of ghost and angel pictures from all over the world, monthly. The most common picture we receive are called "orb" pictures. We do not claim to be experts on "orb" pictures, as many disagree as to the significance of them in the ghost hunting community. Orbs can be caused by moisture, dust, flash reflection, solar flare and spiritual energy. Many have videotaped orbs flying around rooms - some are dust with light reflecting off of it; others are balls of energy that many ghost hunters are not sure just what they represent. We do not claim to have the answers, but we seek to present the evidence we receive and allow our viewers to research and decide on their own.
It is hard to determine exactly the source of an orb for sure...some are downright questionable, thus we cannot post all orb pictures we receive. The following pictures have orbs in them, and we are not sure what caused them. We could claim them to be dust, but do we really know that? We just posted these orb pics together (received from different people), so you could see how orbs appear in photographs of all types...
1: "This picture was taken at Gordon's Wells Desert Dunes in El Centro, California. That evening I was taking pictures outside and in my trailer. Though there were “orbs” throughout my pictures, this one stood out the most. If you notice the brightest orb and look closely, you may see what I and others have...a figure of a man." - Theresa Ruiz
2: "I took this interesting photo at the old St. Augustine cemetery in Florida. I have the original un-colorized picture, but lost the scanned version. I used a 35mm camera with high speed film."- Sven Fletcher, Hollywood, Florida
3: "One day I felt a very a strong presence in my house. It was so strong, I felt as if I was goingto pass out. I told a friend about this experience and shesuggested I go back to the area of the house and ask it to allow me to photograph it. As I felt it,I randomly aimed the camera and said, 'If you are there, allow me to photograph you and see you in the picture...this is exactly what had came out.- Denise Krevolin, Coral Springs, Florida
4: Royal sent us his orb animation showing their movement...
"Photos were taken using a Fuji Finepix 3800 with timestamps, highest quality settings, and flash in complete darkness. The camera does not add the time-stamp to the photo visually, just in it's file info. I added the timestamps in Image Ready before I made the photos into a sequence. The photos have not been edited otherwise, besides rotating and alignment."
5 & 6: "I took it behind the carriage house, and while there was nothing there, and I swear the camera was fine...the photo seems almost grainy. To the lower right, you can see an orb relatively near the camera. In the center.. I don't know what to explain that faint color. It looks almost like two apparitions, though I cannot be sure." - Lya K.