Saleire sent us this collection of her orb photographs showing orb variations. We thought it good to view various orb shapes and colors.
Orb colors, shape, and internal patterns can certainly be a product of camera flash reflecting off of particulates that vary in hue, reflectivity and shape. However, some believe that spirit orb colors also vary and may reveal spiritual truths concerning the spirit...
Variations in Orb Colors may hold a spiritual significance for some. The following list of orb colors and their meaning was created by Ken Summers of Moonspenders:
Pink - openness
Red - stress, restlessness
Dark Red - anger, pain, psychological impairment
Clear Red - high energy
Peach - ability to comfort
Orange - healing energy
Gold - free-flowing energy, tolerance
Yellow - caution
Yellow-Green - psychic growth
Green - healing, fertility
Turquoise - amusement, neutrality
Light Blue - tranquility
Medium Blue - shielding
Dark Blue - shyness, survivor instinct
Lavender - at peace
Purple - stored information
Violet - seeking spiritual guidance
White - high-frequency, protection
Silver - telekinetic power
Brown - earth connected
Seraphim of the former Angels & Ghosts Forum posted the following list of Orb Colors and their interpretations:
Scarlet Red - overinflated ego, strong willpower, survival oriented, realistic?
Deep Red - Short-tempered?
Vermillion - creative, powerful, energetic, competitive, passionate ?
Light Pink - true love, sensitive, compassionate, affectionate ?
Salmon Pink - immature, dishonest ?
Orange-Red- confident
Orange - strong motivation, healthy, adventurous, courageous, outgoing ?
Peach - caring communicator?
Amber - strong and courageous ?
Orange-Yellow - optimistic, scientific, intelligent, perfectionist
Pale Yellow - shyness, optimistic, hopeful
Lemon Yellow - strength of direction, fearful of loss ?
Buttercup - focused on a course of action (determined), inspired ?
Mustard - manipulative, overly analytical, making up for lost time ?
Gold- higher level of consciousness, wise, protective, enlightened
Apple Green - friendly, communicative ?
Yellow-Green - liar, cheater ?
Olive Green - scrooge?
Emerald Green - healer, love-centered person, teacher ?
Forest Green - jealous, low self-esteem, overly sensitive
Turquoise - therapist, communicative, sensitive ?
Sky Blue - strong instinct, intuitive, peaceful, truthful ?
Cobalt Blue - intuitive in a higher dimension ?
Royal Blue - knows their chosen path, generous, highly spiritual ?
Navy Blue - shyness, slow yet safe and sure, fearful of truth and being onesself Indigo - strong psychic ability, intuitive, deep-feeling
Lavendar - daydreamer, visionary ?
Violet - sensitive, wise, intuitive, idealistic ?
Grape - laziness?
Mauve - humble
White - pure, transcendent, often a new undesignated energy ?Silver - linked to spiritual realm, spiritual and physical abundance, nurturing
Gray - feeling trapped ?
Payne's Gray - depressed, fearful ?
Black- tortured, abused, unreleased grief
Raw Sienna - poor thinking processes, insecure, stressed ?
Chocolate Brown - environmentalist, common sense