Hat Man, Avatars, Spirits NOT Taboo

May 2015

Repeated sightings of a ‘hat man’ has become a common experience.

This month, we bring you a real account of this notorious shadow being. – Louis

the-hat-man-shadow-story-052015zzA Shadow Man of Substance
A nefarious ghost or something unknown?

There has been lots of conjecture about sightings of hat-wearing, human forms -living shadows of dense blackness. What are they, people wonder?

Often, witnesses feel threatened and the presence of ‘evil’ during the experience.

Read this account: The Hat Man

helping-ghosts-email-drip-sq2Understand Ghosts and End Haunting
Have a haunting? If so, do you want to stop being haunted by ghosts?

We are now offering a $4.99 PDF download of our book, ‘Helping Ghosts’.

Learn why ghosts haunt and how you can urge them to move on, bringing both the haunted and the haunter (the ghost) some much needed peace!

should-you-talk-about-your-haunted-house-3-2015Spirits and Haunting No Longer Taboo
Experiences with spirits are common.

A very long time ago people might think you were nuts if you said your home was haunted. But not anymore.

Today, more and more people are open to sharing experiences with spirit.

Read: Should You Talk About YOUR Haunted House?

avatars-are-they-angels-5-2015zzAncient Beliefs in Avatars
Avatars and angels: related?

Most people, today, believe an avatar to be their online ‘alter-ego’ or a blue being from a James Cameron movie.

Ancient beliefs in avatars, however, could share similarities with angels.

Consider Avatars: Are They Angels?

More Photos, Stories and Articles
Compelling stories, photos and articles…

Legless Woman in Black Ghost
Freak yourself out AND try to explain this picture.
Shadow People on a Hill
Ghost pic that will not let you sleep tonight.
Apparitions of Mary
Listing of the official Catholic Marian apparitions…
Creepy Crawler Ghost
Odd anomaly looks like a babe.
Lavardin Upside Down Church Spirit
Inexplicable spirit-like form appears in photo…
Hanging Tree Ghost Picture
White figure shot at Cromwell Church…
Ghost Photo of Nanna
Boy could see granny when adults could not.
Lights and Shadow People
What is the significance? Tell us if you’ve seen this!
Schneider Poltergeist Still
Old film from a haunt shows a swinging light.
What Is Spirituality?
Thoughts to consider about who you are…

Angels of Mons, Ghosts of Folklore, Spirits, Mass & Energy

April 2015

The Mons Warriors of World War I
Did angelic warriors aid Allied troups?

angel of mons story
Did angels help Allied Troups during World War I?

Reports from soldiers on both sides of the lines at the Battle of Mons in Belgium claimed to see visions of a heavenly horseman accompanied with an army of angels. Did divine help really happen during World War I?

Read the Angels of Mons Story

Over 100 Ghosts Found in Folklore

ghosts in myth, lore and folklore
Ghosts are found the world over in many cultures. Here are some notorious specters.

Ghosts are found in numerous cultures.

We’ve done some digging into all sorts of myth and lore to put together a list of legendary ghosts and spirits dispersed within an array of differing cultures.

Maybe you’ve heard of some of these…
Types of Ghosts in Folklore

Ghosts, Spirits, Mass and Energy
What is the soul made of?

ghosts, energy, spirits
Perhaps, science has just not caught up to ghosts and spirits, yet.

Could ghosts and spirits be made up of a yet-to-be discovered energy?

Einstein might have been onto something other than time travel when he revealed his famous equation, E=MC2. And, just because we do not yet understand what ghosts are made of does not mean spirits couldn’t be made up of an energy beyond current, scientific detection. After all, form is energy.

Ghosts: Undiscovered Energy Theory

Now, That’s the Spirit!
(Angel, ghost and spirit stories, photos and articles…)

Haunted Australia Prison Guard Ghost
Best ghost photo you’ll see this month…
New Bell Inn Ghost Picture
Old woman behind some men in a pub.
Haunted Beck House Short Story
Local lore may hold some ghostly truth…
Human Face in Orb?
This ball of light looks like it has a man in it.
Night Hike Spirit Photo
Did someone unseen keep him from the edge?
Celestial Being Photograph?
Cool figure over a creek is a head scratcher.
Hotel Room Ghost VIDEO
Sort of a strange light appears in the clip…
You are not your thoughts. Where are you?
Baby Spirit Photo
Something floats above a baby’s head. Spirit?
Adoration Chapel Angel Photo
We don’t know how we missed this one…
Catfish Plantation Ghost Pic?
Real apparition in the Cajun restaurant or not?

4,000 Pages and Counting! August, 2014 Newsletter

August 2014

me-sepia-brdrWe’re growing at Angels & Ghosts — today, you can search our site and explore thousands of pages!

In the future, we’ll be exploring and adding more of what I deem to be “fringe topics” that somehow relate to spirits. Call it “website expansion.” Stay tuned…  – Louis

peculiar family ghostsGhosts As an Inheritance?

All of us have heard of “odd” types of haunting, things that just do not make a whole lot of sense in the ghost investigation world.

This month, we are featuring an article about family ghosts from author Elliott O’Donnell who explores ghosts that are passed down, from generation to generation, within families.

Read: Peculiar Family Ghosts

paranormal experiences in the brainParanormal Experiences: In Our Brains?

We thought we might bring you a skeptical viewpoint that may explain some ghost, angel and spirit experiences.

Let’s open our minds and consider some naturally occurring processes of the human brain.

Read: Paranormal Experiences in the Brain?

the watchers: angels powersWho Are the Watchers?

In ancient manuscripts, such as the Bible, there are references to “watchers” that interact with people. Were they angels? Fallen angels or what?

This month we explore some of the ideas about these mysterious beings!

Article: The Watchers

Paranormal Pondering!

More enticing bits from Angels & Ghosts to ruminate upon!

What is a Simulacrum?
Thoughts about entities and ghosts…
New Orleans’ Haunted Gardette-Lepretre Mansion
The Sultan’s House murders…and haunting.
Russian House Eaves Ghost Photo
How did a man’s likeness get up there?!
Headless Ghost
Decapitated man shows up in 2 pics…ghosts?
Ghostly Cat Face
Incredible feline likeness in her haunted house!
’57 Buick Ghost?
Cool story and faces…but is it a ghost?
Haunted House in Hawaii
Can paradise really have a dark side?
2014 Ghost Conventions!
New updates for upcoming paranormal events!

Posted on Categories Angels & Ghosts Website, UncategorizedTags , family ghosts, inherit ghosts, paranormal experiences, peculiar ghosts, powers, sultan's house, the brain, the watchersLeave a comment

Our Latest Newsletter on Ghosts, Angels & Spirits: June, 2014


If you are not on our mailing list for our monthly newsletter, then you’ll want to check out our latest release for June 2014, online: Ghosts, Spirits and Reincarnation.

For June, we’ve added over 20 pages of new content to the Angels & Ghosts website — from ghost, angel and spirit photos to informative articles about types of ghosts and even reincarnation!

Much more great stuff to come…  – Louis

2014 Is Here! Angels & Ghosts News…

Like every year, 2014 is no different: Annually, we like to look at psychic predictions and upcoming ghost conventions – exciting stuff!

2014 Psychic Foresight?
Scouring the Internet for stabs at what lies ahead, we have gathered together a list of predictions to watch out for – will they come to pass? Hmm…read our 2014 psychic predictions and check back in 2015 to see what happened (or didn’t happen).

Ghost Conventions
We have compiled a nice list of upcoming conferences and conventions – “ghost talks” – you can attend. See if there is one near you and commit to attend! 2014 Ghost Conferences

Haunted Explorations
This year, we have plans to visit San Diego, Savannah and a slew of towns in the Outer Banks as we chase down tales of haunting and ghosts. We promise to report back with the stories and recommendations of where to visit when we return from our trek!

New Website!
Last, but not least, our brand new website is coming along nicely, but slowly. (Dang – wished it could be live, now!) We will have a new logo, new look and a site that will work nicely on smartphones and tablets, completely mobile-friendly! Some of the new features will be a “lazy load” of our picture and video sections, photo and video galleries and very well-organized. After we get it live (this Spring?), we promise to have some surprises for our visitors!

Angel in Missouri Cornfield? Priest Appears…Disappears

Recently, we heard on several news reports about a mysterious priest who had appeared, prayed and left a car crash scene. The people there were left wondering who this mystery man was? Was he an angel? A real man? A phantom? Nobody knew, but they recognized a miracle had taken place in their midst.

To read the full story, visit Mysterious Priest Angel Story

New Updates to Angels & Ghosts!

Have questions about ghosts? So do we! And our Ghost Questions information page has just gotten larger with more answers.

For starters, we take a look at questions regarding ghosts and OBEs, such as, “What can we learn from the out of body experience as compared to what lost spirits must face after debarking into the after-world?” Check out Out of Body Experiences & Ghosts for our thoughts.

Ever wonder if ill-intended spirits have the ability to attack or abuse people? There is a lot of legend and myth about demons who take on a human form in order to breed with men and women. We see it a bit differently, so learn more about Hypnagogia, Incubus and Succubus on our page about Sexually Perverse Ghosts.

We’ve also improved our pages that uncover the meanings behind entity names. Check out our updated lists of Demon Names, Devil Names, Fallen Angel Names and Angel Names! You’ll be able to compare similarities as well as learn a little bit about each label given to these legendary entities. Are they real? We prefer to see them more as types that show us more about ourselves, but you’ll have to do some studying to “get” what we mean. Enjoy!

History of Ghost Sightings, Haunted Places & Stuff!

Angels & Ghosts News!
March 2013

It’s time for more updates to Angels & Ghosts. We have some very interesting pictures of ghost phenomenon, a wild angel in a fire photograph, updated Haunted section and some history of ghost sightings. Enjoy…

– Louis

Haunted History: Infamous Tales of GhostsHistory of Ghosts - Resurrection Mary
Learn about some ghostly accounts from ages ago up to the Twentieth Century. From a Biblical account to the first known story of a haunted house to The White House, you’ll enjoy learning some phantasm-ic history of ghost sightings!

Check Out Pictures of Ghost Sightings!
Corner Ghost Picture

New, for March, we’ve added pictures of ghost activity. Some of them are real; others are suspect, in our opinion. For example, the ghost photo at left is popular on many sites. But, is it real? Find out what we think and decide for yourself!

Angel or Spirit in Fire PictureAngel in Fire Picture
L. Paxton had the photo, at right, taken when he was much younger while posing in front of a bon fire. Little did he or his friend know they would photograph an incredible angel or spirit picture. You must see it to believe the Angel in Fire photograph!

Updated Haunted Section – New!
Haunting, paranormal activity has puzzled mankind for thousands of years. We are building a section of information about haunted objects and places so you can learn more. Explore haunted dolls, hotels, lighthouses, paintings and more at our Haunted section!

Ghost Hunting Equipment!
Ghost hunting and need equipment? Visit the Angels & Ghosts Ghost Hunting Store

Real Ghost Photographs, Ideal’s Haunted House Game…


November 2012

As I write this letter, we are speeding into the holiday season.

For some fun, this month, we have included an article about an old, “ghostly” toy as well as a very cool video of Stan Lee from the Savannah Film Festival for you comic book fans. And of course, we have some great ghost photographs for your review. – Louis Charles

Ideal’s Haunted House Game


The game, “Haunted House”

We thought for the holidays that it might be fun to look at at toy, or in this case a game, that sparked our imaginations and kindled our desire to explore the paranormal as children. In 1962, toy maker, Ideal, came out with the best haunted house game ever.

Take a look at the Haunted House Game.

Real Ghost Photographs…


A female ghost sits behind her…

This month, we explore 5 ghost photographs that have filled up many an e-mail inbox. These specters have awed millions of people via the Internet. Are they all real? Take a closer look and consider their stories.

Check out our Real Ghost Photographs

New Ghost Pictures Section!


Famous & Real Ghost Photos

Last month, we announced that the old Angels & Ghosts homepage was a thing of the past. Now, we also have a new look for our ghost pictures section of our website.

Check out Real Ghost Pictures.

The Amazing Stan Lee (Special Feature)


Stan Lee in Savannah, GA…

In October, we visited Savannah, Georgia, did some ghost hunting, and caught a live interview with legendary comic book character, Stan Lee. Listen to the creator of some of the most beloved superheros, such as Spider Man, the Hulk, X-Men, Captain America and many more.

YouTube interview: The Amazing Stan Lee.


Get a copy of Helping Ghosts!

Best Journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts


Spooky Ghost Photos, Ghost Shadows…

October 2012

Our favorite month is here, and we have been hard at work upgrading Angels & Ghosts. We’ve launched our new homepage, our new ghost hunting store and will soon be redesigning the interior category pages of our website. By the end of the year, our mobile site will also be live. Enjoy a better experience and a better look! – Louis Charles

Shadow People…


Ghost shadows story…

From time to time, we like to dispel common misconceptions about ghosts, spirits and haunting. Recently, we received a fantastic account of interaction with ghost shadows (aka shadow ghosts, shadow people, dark shadows, hat people, etc) from Gabriel.

Read Ghost Shadows and learn more…

Ghost Pictures…


A ghost sits beside this woman…

Enjoy this month’s page of ghost pictures.

We have unique submissions and some old classics for your ghost study.

Check out our Spooky Ghost Photos

New Homepage!


Our old Angels & Ghosts homepage is a thing of the past as we welcome our new look!

The new homepage features banners, images, and nicely organized drop-down menu.

Take a look at Angels & Ghosts


Get a copy of Helping Ghosts!

Best Journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts


Helping Ghosts

