Headless Ghost?

Christine sent us two incredible ghost photos of a headless man that mysteriously appeared in a mountainous scene. Is he her father?

"I took the pictures at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado July 2014. I did not take a picture of this man -- it was just of the scenery; and he is in two of my photos. One (picture) is of his back turned to me and, in the other (photograph), he is turned, looking at me. He appeared in two photos with other photos in between the two he is in. I honest to God believe it to be a ghost -- possibly my father who died 12 years ago in a train/work accident.

This is what I know: I did not fake this photo; I did not take a picture of a random man without a head."

"I am also attaching another photo of a flower up on my dashboard that showed up twice that day, at my car door, in the middle of nowhere. I picked the first one up, put it on my car and went to take a picture. When I came back, there was another one laying there. The flowers really freaked my husband out! Not me -- I think my dad was just really trying extremely hard to say hello to me that day. I also found three pennies that day.

I want you to know I did not do anything to these photos. We took these photographs and did not look at them until we got back to the hotel, and he was in them. It is kinda' scary because I know there was no one there. So am I truly looking at a spirit?"

We could not detect that the ghost pictures were faked nor could we come up with a natural explanation of what may have caused the man to have no head. If it were one photograph that had the headless man in it, then we would think it could be coincidental...but two pictures? No way. Either we are looking at a real, headless ghost or very good examples of photo-editing. But we believe Christine to be sincere and honest. How about you?