Ghost photo taken in a Minneapolis haunted home shows a ghost mist...
"Taken in 1998 in our Minneapolis home that was built in 1904. We believe the man (the ghost) to be the original owner, with no history on the young girl. We had just started renovation (when this photograph was taken)." - Pam
"It's not the mist that intrigues me. I've been staring at that for years. It's the man in the wall opening and the little girl next to the stairs. She appears to be maybe 11 or 12 (years old). Two separate house guests have had her talk to them. One 14 year old ( from Illinois); and just last September, a friend from Iowa. (The girl ghost) said their names, telling them to get up and go visit, both times. Neither guest knew each other."
"Lived there 17 years -- house is very, very active. You know you are not alone, but we always felt comfortable. The man in the wall (in the photo), where we were putting the duct work, my husband saw him in the mirror one night while we were watching TV. He thought we had an intruder and jumped off the couch and got his gun. No one was there. Favorite story (of mine) ever. Still gives him goosebumps."
Nobody smoked, and all other pics were fine.
Activity in the Home
"We bought the house from the original owner. Our nephew lives there now. When we did a bunch of new remodeling work, it made the ghost(s) go crazy again. (He's not happy with us! Haha.)"