Our Latest Newsletter on Ghosts, Angels & Spirits: June, 2014


If you are not on our mailing list for our monthly newsletter, then you’ll want to check out our latest release for June 2014, online: Ghosts, Spirits and Reincarnation.

For June, we’ve added over 20 pages of new content to the Angels & Ghosts website — from ghost, angel and spirit photos to informative articles about types of ghosts and even reincarnation!

Much more great stuff to come…  – Louis

Scrying, Bottle Trees, Ghost Communicators!

Bottle Trees, Ghost Communicators, & the Ghost Car?

Angels & Ghosts Newsletter

August 2011

Summer Break – Last Month of Maintenance

Update – August is the last month of our summer hiatus, though we have been busy with site maintenance behind the scenes. Much more new content, pictures, videos and more will be posted in September to AngelsGhosts.com


Kickin’ New Ghost Articles!

Painting by Regina Cornwell of a bottle tree…

The following ghostly articles are interesting, informational and fun!

Ghosts & Bottle Trees

Learn about an old Southern tradition, lore about catching ghosts and spirits.

Ghosts & Scrying

The old method for breaking through the veil in order to communicate with ghosts and deceased family members.

FUN: The Ghost Car
An amazing automobile was built by GM for display at the 1939 World’s Fair.


Radio Shack Hack Ghost Box – Hidden Cache!

We have 4 original 12-470 ghost box models for sale!

Big News for Ghost Communicators!

We found and bought a limited supply of brand new, original Radio Shack Hack radios that we have converted into ghost boxes. This is the model to have but has become very hard to find. In my book, Helping Ghosts, I talk about my use of this model for ghost and spirit communication.

Supplies are limited, so they won’t last long

Get them at the Fringe Technology Store


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

Please enjoy our thousands of pages of information about ghosts and spirits!

Get the book on Amazon!

Have a great month – best wishes on your journey,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts

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April 2011 Angels & Ghosts Newsletter!


April 2011 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!


Author, Louis Charles

from Louis Charles

April Has Come and So Has a New Store!

I’m excited to let you know that we have now had time to invest in the Fringe Technology Store. For starters, we have reskinned it – gave it a nice, uniform look, preparing it for expansion. We are also building our inventory of full spectrum cameras for ghost hunting, as well as offering ghost box communication devices for talking with ghosts and spirits.

New Products?

Currently, we are testing various Infrared light sources to accompany our ghost investigation cameras. We feel there is a need for this, and if we can recommend different types of light sources that work well with our equipment, we might as well carry them in the store to make it easy for purchasers. More on this next month.

Articles for Understanding Full Spectrum Cameras

This month we have also updated our articles concerning the full spectrum camera and how it works. Below is a listing of some of the updated pieces:

Full Spectrum Camera – Understanding the frequencies & why.

Ghost Hunting Cameras – More clarification.

Full Spectrum Camera Ghost Pictures – Holy smokes these are interesting…

Full Spectrum Camera Testimonials


Ghosts & Peripheral Vision


Inside the human eye: Cones & Rods

Seeing Ghosts From the Corners of Our Eyes

Oftentimes, we hear people exclaim that they saw something move out of the corner of their eyes. This seeing of the periphery is our peripheral vision. In ghost investigation, peripheral vision is sometimes given a bad rap due to its inability to focus on objects like our central vision. However, when seeing ghosts at night, which is better to use: the central or peripheral vision?

Read more and be surprised: Ghosts & Peripheral Vision.


The Civil War Remembered: Gettysburg


The dead around Devil’s Den

Just in time for the sesquicentennial (150 year) remembrance of the Civil War, being commemorated over the next four years, we have listed a few hot spots at Gettysburg known for paranormal activity. Why not take some time and explore the small town and battlefields and see what you discover?

Explore: Gettysburg Haunted Places


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!


We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

The following are new pages of photos for April ’11:

Creepy Ghost Pictures (New Ghost Pictures!)

Saints & Mary Apparitions Pictures (We explore the phenomenon of religious figures being seen in spirit.)

The following are new stories for April ’11:

My Ghost Stories

Snow Angel Story

Page of new ghost videos for April ’11:

Ghost Vids

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures

Espanol Angeles y Fantasmas!


Learn to Help Ghosts & Solve Cases of Haunting!


Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and understand why ghosts do the things they do.

Ghosts have mystified the human experience for thousands of years. This does not mean, however, that we cannot come to an understanding about the behavior of human spirits.

Buy a copy from Amazon!

Buy a Signed copy!

Read a review from someone who is not a ghost investigator

Read the Amazon reviews!


Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store


One of many different full spectrum cameras in every price range!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You can find some unique ghost investigation items here. We are getting ready to add more inventory in the next week, so stop by!

Our IR-converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. Two ghost photos from our customers recently appeared on Coast to Coast Am Radio’s website!

More cameras coming!!!


Facebook Give-a-Way!


“Like” our Facebook page and gain access to a free audio download of Helping Ghosts’ Chapter 3!

(The chapter is about my experiments of communicating with spirits and ghosts. Included in the audio are some of the actual messages referenced in the book! You’ll be amazed at how clear the ghost and spirit voices are.)

Like Our Facebook Page Here

The Angels & Ghosts Facebook page is just another way to catch links to articles, photos, stories, evp and more that we post daily. There are over 4500 pages to our website, so our Facebook page is a great way to peruse our fodder!

Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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February 2011 – Angels & Ghosts Newsletter


February 2011 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!


LIKE our Facebook page now!

Fantastic February!
This month I want to keep the newsletter short, so here’s what you need to know:

“Like” our Facebook page and gain access to a free audio download of Helping Ghosts’ Chapter 3!

(The chapter is about my experiments of communicating with spirits and ghosts. Included in the audio are some of the actual messages referenced in the book! You’ll be amazed at how clear the ghost and spirit voices are.)

Like Our Facebook Page Here

The Angels & Ghosts Facebook page is just another way to catch links to articles, photos, stories, evp and more that we post daily. There are over 4500 pages to our website, so our Facebook page is a great way to peruse our fodder!


Can We Audio Record EVP of Enlightened Spirits?


Audio recording spirit guides…

Ghosts or Spirit Voices as EVP?
This is a good topic.

Many of us are aware that we can audio record the voices of ghosts. Paranormal investigators call this phenomenon, “EVP.” But what about recording the voices of enlightened spirits or angels? Is it possible?

This month we share our thoughts about this. Can you record helpful messages of truth, peace and joy?

Find out more: Recording Spirit Voices.


Ghost Pictures Hidden Within Audio Recordings?


Are these faces of spirits found within audio spectrograms?

OK – You are going to really like this article!

This month we look at a form of ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) that is exploring audio files for spectrographic images of people hidden with them. Could ghosts and spirits be making their presence known through cryptic imagery?

This is definitely possible, because modern-day musicians have purposely hidden their faces within audio!

Explore: Ghosts in Audio


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!


We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

The following are new pages of photos for February ’11:

Pics of Ghosts (New Ghost Pictures!)

Pictures of Spirits (New angel and spirit pictures we have collected.)

The following are new stories for February ’11:

Patient Sees Spirits

Angels Guides NDE

Page of new ghost videos for February ’11:
Ghosts on Tape

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures


Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store


Dale Lute’s Mansfield Ghost Photo on the home page of C2C!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You can find some unique ghost investigation items here. We are getting ready to add more inventory in the next week, so stop by!

Our IR-converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. Two ghost photos from our customers recently appeared on Coast to Coast Am Radio’s website!

More cameras coming!!!


Learn to Help Ghosts & Solve Cases of Haunting!


Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and understand why ghosts do the things they do.

Ghosts have mystified the human experience for thousands of years. This does not mean, however, that we cannot come to an understanding about the behavior of human spirits.

Buy a copy from Amazon!

Buy a Signed copy!

Read a review from someone who is not a ghost investigator

Read the Amazon reviews!

Have a Great Month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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Angels & Ghosts Newsletter – January 2011


January 2011 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

Happy New Year!
This is an exciting year. Already this month, I have felt something move within spirit. New direction and new things are coming for this year, and I am excited to embark upon new adventures!

What’s Coming…New Book
After releasing the book, Helping Ghosts in 2010, I felt I would not do another book project. I just didn’t feel I had it in me. Recently, I was given a new book concept to work on. It is something that will take some time to research. I want to give readers a vision — a 30,000 foot view of life, let’s say. Ghosts are a part of this journey but so are angels, the full cycle of the human life, the eternal spirit, etc. There is much to say but now is not the time. When the ‘PR’ book is completed, I hope to be able to explain the human life cycle from a spiritual perspective. There is no end; there is no beginning. It will complete the vision behind the Angels & Ghosts website.

This year, I also plan on releasing a CD of ghost voices that I recorded. Some of these EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) were referenced in the book, Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits. Before this happens, I plan on possibly offering a free audio book excerpt complete with ghost and spirit voices. Stay tuned.

New Facebook Page
This year I will also seek to expand our Facebook audience with an Angels & Ghosts Facebook page. When complete, it will become more interactive and replace our forum. You can get involved now by “liking” its page: Angels & Ghosts Facebook Page


Moundsville Shadow Man

A real ghost picture? Find out…

Moundsville Shadow Man Investigation

Last month I mentioned in my newsletter that many ghost investigators believe the famous Moundsville Shadow Man photograph is not credible evidence because they saw it “debunked” by SyFy’s Ghost Hunters several years ago.

We get to the truth in our debunk of the TAPS debunk: Moundsville Shadow Man.

The Black Eyed Kids Mystery

Who are these kids?

What the heck are black-eyed kids? Who are these children and why are the sightings of them increasing?

This month, we take a look at the mysterious children with black eyes, offering the opinions of others as well as our own ideas. If you have not heard of this phenomenon, we warn you that some of the stories about these children are quite creepy!

Explore: Black-Eyed Kids


Angel Voices: Digging Deeper Into Angel Beliefs

Are we hearing angel voices?

What are angels? Today, many people uphold traditional teachings about benevolent spirits not realizing that some of these traditions might not be as old as one might think.

In our article, Angel Voices, we examine some newer ideas and couple them with a much older teaching of Jesus. Do they line up? You decide…


Various 2011 Psychic Predictions

What might be in store?

We compiled a list of various psychic predictions from several sources for 2011. It’s interesting to take a look at them each year. What more can we say?

2011 Psychic Predictions


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

The following are new pages of photos for January ’11:

Photos of Ghosts (New Ghost Pictures!)

Spiritual Pictures (New angel and spiritual pictures we have collected.)

The following are new stories for January ’11:

Black Eyed Kid Ghost Story

Angel in Her Kitchen Story

Page of new ghost videos for January ’11:
Real Ghost Clips

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures


Inexpensive Full Spectrum Cameras See in the Dark!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You will find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as ghost boxes, IR flashlights, Laser Grid lights, and Full Spectrum cameras.

Our IR-converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. We have received numerous photos from users who have captured shadows, weird energy anomalies, and light balls and bars without the aid of a flash unit! The cameras can also see what the human can see, plus beyond our range of vision!

To learn more, check out these pages:

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Full Spectrum Camera

Full Spectrum Camera Ghost Pictures


Understand Ghost Behavior…

Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and understand why ghosts do the things they do.

Ghosts have mystified the human experience for thousands of years. This does not mean, however, that we cannot come to an understanding about the behavior of human spirits.

Buy a copy from Amazon!

Buy a Signed copy!

Read a review from someone who is not a ghost investigator

Read the Amazon reviews!

Happy Holidays and Have a Great New Year!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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December 2010 Angels & Ghosts Newsletter – The Latest!


December 2010 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

It’s a Wrap! A Recap of the Past Year…and What’s Coming.

As 2010 comes to close, I want to thank everyone for their support of my work. Some very cool milestones happened this year, and I look forward to see where it goes from here!

Helping Ghosts

As you know, teaching others that people are interacting with us in spirit has been my primary focus. Helping others to realize that ghosts are people is an important part of that mission. In 2010, I met a lot of new people in my travels while promoting my new book, Helping Ghosts and remain encouraged that some ghost investigators are learning how to help lost spirits — ghosts. I trust I was able to spread the word by giving over 25 radio interviews and two television interviews over the past eight months!

This year, I plan on releasing a CD of ghost voices that I recorded. Some of these EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) were referenced in the book, Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits. I think some will be shocked to hear just how clear these pleas for help from the other side of the grave sound.

Full Spectrum Cameras

2010 also saw the rise in ghost hunting cameras that can see the human range of vision and beyond. Affordable prices have allowed these cameras to appear in the tool box of many ghost investigators. Not only are these cameras a better way to investigate (because the reduce false anomalies), but they have been achieving results. We are proud to let you know that two ghost pictures taken with our full spectrum cameras have appeared on the popular website of Coast to Coast radio. Customer testimonies and feedback have been only positive! Visit the Fringe Store to learn more about our ghost hunting cameras!

Recently, we began experimenting with full spectrum lighting. More testing will ensue for 2010. It is our hope to determine what wavelengths work best for capturing ghosts in photo and video.

New Report Coming – Moundsville Shadow Man

It has come to my attention that many ghost investigators believe the famous Moundsville Shadow Man photograph is not credible evidence because they saw it “debunked” by SyFy’s Ghost Hunters several years ago. Look for my report to come out about this in the next few weeks. I personally visited Polly Gear, who captured the ghost with camera, and prove that it is not a fake or a false anomaly produced through IR shadow reflection. The reason this is important to me is that I reference it in Helping Ghosts. People need to see the truth behind this photograph!


Ghost Conferences 2011!

We just updated our page of ghost conferences for 2011, so now is the time to begin planning which conventions and conferences you wish to attend in the near future!

Visit: Ghost Conferences


Hungry Ghosts! What are Hungry Ghosts?

Can ghosts be hungry?

You hear ghost enthusiasts discussing hungry ghosts, but what are they? What does that mean to be hungry?

Our article explores the old concept of ghost desires…

Hungry Ghosts.


Angel Quotes: Quotes About Angels From History…

To me, angels are messengers in spirit, enlightened beings who observe, sometimes interact, communicate, protect and even help guide us. After years of biblical, historical, spiritual and field study, I have noticed a similarity between human spirits who interact with us and come from a higher place of understanding. Call them spirits, not ghosts. The quotes on this page reflect some interesting insight into this. Could angels really be human messengers? Angels: Quotes


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

We are still adding more Spanish pages to our site this month.

Next month, we plan on updating more of our secondary pages…stay tuned!

The following are new pages of photographs for December ’10:

Imagenes Fantasma (New Ghost Pictures!)

Imagenes Angeles (New angel and spirit pictures we have collected.)

The following are new stories for December ’10:

Grandma Ghost Visitation Story

The following page has new ghost videos for December ’10:

Videos de Fantasmas (Primarily ghost video compilations people have collected.)

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures


Inexpensive Full Spectrum Cameras See in the Dark!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You will find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as ghost boxes, IR flashlights, Laser Grid lights, and Full Spectrum cameras.

Our IR-converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. We have received numerous photos from users who have captured shadows, weird energy anomalies, and light balls and bars without the aid of a flash unit! The cameras can also see what the human can see, plus beyond our range of vision!

To learn more, check out these pages:

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Full Spectrum Camera

Full Spectrum Camera Ghost Pictures


Understand Ghost Behavior…

Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and understand why ghosts do the things they do.

Ghosts have mystified the human experience for thousands of years. This does not mean, however, that we cannot come to an understanding about the behavior of human spirits.

Buy a copy from Amazon!

Buy a Signed copy!

Read a review from someone who is not a ghost investigator

Read the Amazon reviews!

Happy Holidays and Have a Great New Year!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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November 2010 – Angels & Ghosts Newsletter


November 2010 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

November is Here!

The past few months, I have met a lot of new people in my travels while promoting my book, Helping Ghosts. So, I have eased into November and welcomed a much slower pace. I must note that I am encouraged to see and hear reports of ghost investigators beginning to work toward learning how to help lost spirits — ghosts.

While at the ScareFest convention earlier this month, a well known ghost investigator came up to talk to me. He mentioned that the TV show he is on needs to work to learn how to help ghosts. In fact, he seemed bothered by the fact that many of the television investigators are asking ghosts if they need help, recording EVP containing help messages, and then walking away from the location after the cameras are turned off. The ghost is seldom helped and remains forgotten. I was greatly encouraged when he wanted copies of my book in order to learn methods of how to help ghosts through use of compassionate communication. If people on television shows about ghost investigation would recognize that they have a rather large audience that is mimicking their methods, then maybe they might also consider the huge responsibility they have to teach others that ghosts are people we can help to find peace. Please assist me in spreading the word about Helping Ghosts!


Looking for Haunted Places to Visit?

Drop in and get spooked!

Now’s the time to start planning your vacation for next year. Perhaps, you are looking for some haunted places to check out in-between seeing the local sights. Check out these places for specters (and possibly for free!) if you are in the vicinity while vacationing: Haunted Places To Visit


The Best Places to Find Ghosts!

Where should you look for ghosts?

Ghosts can be found anywhere. Heck, they can even follow us home. According to the experts out there, if you want to increase your odds of a ghostly encounter, check these sites out:

Best Places to Find Ghosts?


Fotos de Fantasmas…Photos of Ghosts!

Dan captured this ghost photo using a full spectrum camera!

The photo at left was taken by Dan of Roseville, California using a full spectrum camera he purchased from our Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store. The ghost picture was featured by the Coast to Coast AM radio program’s website. It is one of many ghost pictures we have featured for November.

This month we wanted to continue to reach out to those who speak Spanish in the attempt to share some of our wonderful ghost photos. You can see November’s ghost photos here:

Fotos de Fantasmas


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

Over 40 new pages of ghost and angel information was added this month!

The following are new pages of photographs for November ’10:

Fotos de Fantasmas (New Ghost Pictures!)

Angels with Us (Intriguing angel and spirit pictures we have collected.)

The following are new stories for November ’10:

Haunting Activity Ghost Story

Angel Encounters Story

The following page has new ghost videos for November ’10:

Real Ghost Videos (Check out the cuss word I recorded in the first video!)

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures


Inexpensive Full Spectrum Cameras See in the Dark!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You will find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as ghost boxes, IR flashlights, Laser Grid lights, and Full Spectrum cameras.

Our IR-converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. We have received numerous photos from users who have captured shadows, weird energy anomalies, and light balls and bars without the aid of a flash unit! The cameras can also see what the human can see, plus beyond our range of vision!

To learn more, check out these pages:

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Full Spectrum Camera

Full Spectrum Camera Ghost Pictures


Lasers & Ghost Investigation

We also have been working with lasers for detection of moving shadow ghosts. Check out our new article about laser grids and ghost investigation:

Laser Grids, Ghosts & Ghost Hunting


Learn How to Help Ghosts!

Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and spread the word within the paranormal community: We can help ghosts!

It’s time ghost investigators recognized ghosts as human beings and not monkeys who make the lights on their meters go off!

Buy a copy from Amazon!

Buy a Signed copy!

Read a review from someone who is not a ghost investigator

Read the Amazon reviews!

Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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Angels & Ghosts Newsletter – October 2010


October 2010 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

Happy October!

This is our busiest month of the year. Not only is Angels & Ghosts publishing pages of ghost and spirit stories, pictures, articles and videos, but I am out and about giving talks about ghosts and signing copies of my book, “Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits.” Additionally, we have worked hard to stock up our “fringe technology” store with unique, modified ghost investigation cameras and sweeping radios. I always look forward to “Halloween month” and the excitement it brings!

Halloween: What is it?

Recently while on a radio interview, I was asked to explain where the celebration of Halloween came from, the costumes, etc. I couldn’t do it, so I decided to look up the origins of All Hallows Eve.

Halloween is typically traced back to the Celtic celebration called “Samhain.” The word is derived from the Old Irish word samuin, meaning “summer’s end.” It was believed that the veil between the physical and spirit worlds becomes thin once a year on Samhain, allowing both harmful and harmless spirits to cross back and forth to our world. Family ancestors were honored and invited back but nefarious spirits were warded off. By disguising oneself as a bad spirit, it was believed that harmful spirits would leave the person alone. By the 16th century, a Scottish version of the festival was known as “All Hallows Eve” which was later shortened by removing the v-sound to just “Halloween.” All Hallows Eve fell on the night before All Hallows Day (October 31st) also known as All Saints Day – November 1st.


Best Haunted Attractions!

October brings about a variety of spooky attractions, so we wanted to list some of the best haunted houses and theme park scares from around the country. It’s fun sometimes to face our fears!

Be sure and check out: Best Haunted Attractions


Believe in Ghosts? Who Does?

Have you ever wondered how many people in ghosts? We took a look at the surveys that have been conducted over the past couple decades and give you the percentages as well as our thoughts about belief in ghosts. Read the article: Believe in Ghosts?


Imagenes de Angeles! (Pictures of Angels)

Photo of angels overlooking the young family…

The photo at left is one of the angel pictures from the past featured on this month’s angel pictures page. It is believed to reveal a grandmother, grandfather and two children who passed. They are overlooking the baby and family.

This month we wanted to continue to reach out to those who speak Spanish in the attempt to share some of these wonderful angelic images. You can see our second installment of angel photos here:

Imagenes de Angeles


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

Over 40 new pages of ghost and angel information was added this month!

The following are new pages of photographs for October ’10:

Real Ghosts’ Pictures (We put some old-time Halloween costume pics and old-time spooky pics into this page, too!)

Imagenes de Angeles (Awesome angel pictures we have collected over the years.)

The following are new stories for October ’10:

Haunted House of Salem Ghost Story (This month we bring you an intriguing story about ghosts coming to Ruth in a dream!)

Dream Angel (Julee shares her incredible angel she saw in a dream!)

The following page has new ghost videos for October ’10:

Halloween Ghost Videos (Check out Steve Hill’s two-way chat with ghosts!)

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures


October brings about a variety of spooky attractions, so we wanted to list some of the best haunted houses, theme park scares from around the country.

Be sure and check out: Best Haunted Attractions

Louis Charles’ TV, Radio and In-Person Events

I will be speaking around northeast Ohio and the Cincinnati area the rest of October:

October 19th – 7-8:30 PM – Ghosts & Fear Talk & Book Signing Cuyahoga Falls Library

October 21st – 9-10:00 PM EST – Soul Speak Radio

October 22nd – 7-9 PM – A Haunting Evening Aradia’s Garden

October 23rd – 1-3 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Stark County Library

October 23rd – 5-7 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Barnes & Noble Mansfield

October 26th – 6:30-7:30 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Rodman Public Library

October 29th – 10-11:00 AM The Robin Swoboda Show (TV Fox 8 Cleveland)

October 30th – 10:30-Noon – Book Signing Border’s Crestview Hills, KY

October 30th – 2-4 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Cincinnati Public Library – Main Branch

November 5th, 6th, 7th – Scarefest Horror & Paranormal Convention – Lexington, KY.

Come find me. I’ll be at a booth with books and “fringe technology” cameras!

You can get the rest of my event schedule here: Louis Charles Book Tour Events


Inexpensive Ghost Hunting Cameras See in the Dark!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You will find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as ghost boxes, IR flashlights, and IR-Vis-UV cameras.

Our IR converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. I have received photos from three different users who have captured shadows, weird energy anomalies, and light balls and bars without the aid of a flash unit! To learn more, check out these pages:

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Full Spectrum Camera

Full Spectrum Camera Ghost Pictures ()


Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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September 2010 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

Nearing the fall season, many are looking forward to cooler weather. As we approach October and the Halloween season, this month we are fortunate enough to bring you some amazing ghost photographs. Take note that some of these ghost pictures are taken with different types of cameras – some of them altered to see into different spectrums.

Near Infrared Ghost Photography

We are noticing a trend. Some ghost investigators have been photographing ghosts and spirits with cameras that see more of the Near Infrared. Last month we shared Craig Rupp’s Gettysburg Ghost Photo that is an excellent example. Inexpensive cameras are now available that have an expanded “eye” that can see into the Ultraviolet and Near Infrared spectrums, while also covering the visible spectrum (what the human eye can see). Take a look at some of these UV-Vis-IR Ghost Pictures. Additionally, we have noticed results from cell phone cameras are possibly confirming this trend. Many of them can also see into the Near Infrared, and we have received some very good ghost photographs taken with cell phone cameras. Do we need to be looking for ghosts in the Near Infrared? Stay tuned. We plan on sharing our findings as more results come in…

Fotos de Angeles! (Photos of Angels)

Photos of Angels…

The picture at left was taken in the Yucatan peninsula by Ron and Linda Martinez. It is but one example of some of the incredible angel photographs we have received over the years from around the world.

This month we wanted to reach out to those who speak Spanish in the attempt to share some of these wonderful angelic images. You can see our Spanish page of angel photos here:

Fotos de Angeles

New Articles About Ghosts & Spirits!

Ghost photo by Peter Kanellis…

Ghost Fear If we have a fear of ghosts, can we use items and emblems for protection?

Real Life Ghosts By watching the onslaught of ghost TV shows, can our view of ghosts be a little skewed?

Angels Live We explore where angels live…

Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

Over 50 new pages of ghost and angel information was added this month!

The following are new pages of photographs:

September ’10 Ghosts’ Photographs (Peter Kanellis’ trail camera ghost photo heads the page of excellent ghostly images!)

September ’10 Fotos de Angeles (Incredible angel pictures we have collected over the years.)

The following are new stories:

Haunted Doll Ghost Story (This month we bring you an intriguing story about a ghost doll from the 1700s!)

Car Trouble Guardian Angel Story (Two accounts of unseen help…)

The following page has new ghost videos:

September ’10 Ghost Clips (A new collection of ghost videos to watch.)

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures

‘Helping Ghosts’ Book Has Something to Offer

Solve a haunting!

If you have a ghost and need help with solving the haunting, then my new book, Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits, is a wonderful instruction guide.

Maybe you’re a paranormal investigator who wants to go deeper into investigation. Helping Ghosts shares how to communicate with ghosts and spirits! I cannot tell you how many praises I have received from others about this book. Allow me to share a few comments to give you an idea of how it is changing people’s minds.

“I could not believe the energy that overconsumed us, but it was an energy that was so positively charged. We couldn’t wipe the smiles off our faces!” -Kathy from California (after actually helping ghosts)

“That book of yours is not only waking spirits. It’s waking living spirits. I have become pretty strong in my gifts.” -Shirley from North Carolina

“You go beyond telling a story…I can feel something more that affects me at a deep level. I wonder how many are picking up the magnitude of some of the statements that you make.” -Robin from Tennessee

“…I wanted to share with you how much I appreciated your book. You truly are an ‘enlightened being,’ and that is so rare to find amongst us mortals. In addition, your work is so much like my work as a grief counselor that it’s like you’re doing grief counseling w/out the years of schooling.” -Kim from Ohio

You can pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts through Amazon.com:

Helping Ghosts; A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits

To learn more, visit HelpingGhosts.com

Louis Charles’ Speaking Schedule – Radio and In-Person

After doing close to 20 radio interviews this summer, I’ve taken a bit of a rest for September. However, I will be speaking around northeast Ohio and the Cincinnati area this October:

September 27th – Time TBD – Radio Interview The Buzz Radio

October 11th – 6-8 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Massillon Public Library

October 16th – 1-3 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Border’s Cuyahoga Falls

October 16th – 9-10 PM – Voice of the People Radio

October 19th – 7-8:30 PM – Ghosts & Fear Talk & Book Signing Cuyahoga Falls Library

October 22nd – 7-9 PM – A Haunting Evening Aradia’s Garden

October 23rd – 1-3 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Stark County Library

October 23rd – 5-7 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Barnes & Noble Mansfield

October 26th – 6:30-7:30 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Rodman Public Library

October 30th – 10:30-Noon – Book Signing Border’s Crestview Hills, KY

October 30th – 2-4 PM – Ghost Talk & Book Signing Cincinnati Public Library – Main Branch

Get the rest of my event schedule here: Louis Charles Book Tour Events

Camera sees in the dark with IR lighting! No flash needed!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You will find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as ghost boxes, IR flashlights, and IR-Vis-UV cameras.

Our IR converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. I have received photos from three different users who have captured shadows, weird energy anomalies, and light balls and bars without the aid of a flash unit! To learn more, check out these pages:

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Full Spectrum Camera

Full Spectrum Camera Ghost Picture (shadow ghost)

Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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Angels & Ghosts Newsletter – August 2010


August 2010 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!

This summer I had the chance to visit Charleston, South Carolina. This old “belle of the South” is a spectacular city steeped in lore and history. If you get a chance to visit, be sure to walk the streets, talk with the locals, and join a ghost tour at day’s end.

This month, I wanted to feature some of the stories I ran into while enjoying Charleston. You’ll learn about the city’s history, “oogles,” and a haunting ghost picture of Sue Hardy who possibly still mourns for her stillborn child. With over 50 new pages added to Angels & Ghosts this month, you’ll find links below to take you to the new additions.

My Speaking Schedule – Radio and In-Person

August 21st – 2:00 – 4:00 PM Book signing and ghost talk in Medina, Ohio at Borders Books.

August 21st – 10:15 PM (EST) – Spooky Southcoast Radio

August 24th – 8:00 PM (EST) – ParaExplorer’s Radio

August 26th – 9:30 PM (EST) – Forgotten Voices Radio

August 27th – 9:00 PM (EST) – LSC Paranormal Radio

August 28th – 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM – Ghost Booth at the Bedford, Ohio – Pagan Day Festival

August 30th – 12:30 PM – Mansfield Prison – Sociometaphysics Class (private event)

Get the rest of my event schedule here: Louis Charles Book Tour Events

Charleston Ghosts!

Does Sue Hardy still mourn?

The picture at left was taken in a graveyard of a church in Charleston, South Carolina. We discovered that the old city has many tales to tell about ghosts, pirates, and tragedy. The charming city has quite a history!

You can read more about Charleston, here:

Ghosts of Haunted Charleston

Ghosts & Oogles – Low Country Legend

Charleston Ghost Picture – Sue Hardy

New Articles About Ghosts & Spirits!

Do you see the man’s head that is sideways in this photograph?

This month, we have quite a few articles to spark your interest and expand your mind. Check them out!

Stress & Ghosts? Can ghost investigation become stressful?

Best Video Game Ghosts We list some of the best ghosts found within video games for fun!

Ghosts of Grief We explore the idea of grieving as it might relate to ghosts…

Ghost Game! Just pretend you are helping the ghosts find the light.

Angel Awakening Can we awaken to angels in our midst?

Bright Angel – Book Review Can we awaken to angels in our midst?

Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!

Over 50 new pages of ghost and angel information was added this month!

The following are new pages of photographs:

August ’10 Ghost Pictures (Our third quarter ghost pictures. There are some fantastic images here!)

Angel Signs Pictures

The following are new stories:

Communicating with Spirits

Ghosts’ Souls Story

The following page has new ghost videos:

August ’10 True Ghost Videos

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures

‘Helping Ghosts’ Book Has Something to Offer

Solve a haunting!

If you have a ghost and need help with solving the haunting, then my new book, Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits, is a wonderful instruction guide.

Maybe you’re a paranormal investigator who wants to go deeper into investigation. Helping Ghosts shares how to communicate with ghosts and spirits! I cannot tell you how many praises I have received from others about this book. Allow me to share a few comments to give you an idea of how it is changing people’s minds.

“I could not believe the energy that overconsumed us, but it was an energy that was so positively charged. We couldn’t wipe the smiles off our faces!” -Kathy from California (after actually helping ghosts)

“That book of yours is not only waking spirits. It’s waking living spirits. I have become pretty strong in my gifts.” -Shirley from North Carolina

“You go beyond telling a story…I can feel something more that affects me at a deep level. I wonder how many are picking up the magnitude of some of the statements that you make.” -Robin from Tennessee

“…I wanted to share with you how much I appreciated your book. You truly are an ‘enlightened being,’ and that is so rare to find amongst us mortals. In addition, your work is so much like my work as a grief counselor that it’s like you’re doing grief counseling w/out the years of schooling.” -Kim from Ohio

You can pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts through Amazon.com:

Helping Ghosts; A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits

To learn more, visit HelpingGhosts.com

Camera sees in the dark with IR lighting! No flash needed!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You will find some unique ghost investigation items here, such as ghost boxes, IR flashlights, and IR-Vis-UV cameras.

Our IR converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. I have received photos from three different users who have captured shadows, weird energy anomalies, and light balls and bars without the aid of a flash unit! To learn more, check out these pages:

Ghost Hunting Cameras

Full Spectrum Camera

Full Spectrum Camera Ghost Picture (shadow ghost)

Have a great month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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