Sara from Twin City, Georgia sent some ghost photographs. Is it one or two ghosts? Here is her story...
"One day we were sitting in my mom's living room and my 3 year old suddenly ran and jumped into my lap crying and shivering. When asked what happened he said he was scared of that "LADY!" He said that "the monsters got her right there," and pointed to a corner in the room. A few days later he again got scared and said, "I'm scared of that light momma." We searched around and could not find anything that was unusual. Also, my mom had reported that she had heard noises all through the house; and her things would be rearranged...could be rats - I don't know.
My grandmother was brought here to live her last few days in peace. She died of cancer a short time after. This made me think it could be grandma hanging around; so I went on the net! After finding this website, I decided to take a few pics in my mom's house. I took about 10 pics and the only one that looks weird is the one I took in that same corner where my son will no longer go anywhere near! I didn't >want to use the flash so I had to brighten the photo a bit. I can see a woman, but it's not grandma!!!!!!"
" Mom's house (rest of pictures after the first one). This is the same place my 3 year old has seen people and lights that scared him. My Grandmother died of cancer in this house, but I can't identify the others I've captured on film. Today is April 9th...there is a solar storm going on...some pics from today! The last photo is from a couple days ago, but I wanted you to see my Grand sitting at table reading a book!!!!!"