New Ghost Pictures: October 2004

1: "I am from Minnesota. I was in a car accident in October 1994 which left me in a wheelchair. I haven't driven since the accident. I decided to get my license and a van to drive, so I would have more independence. This picture is was taken when I was going to drive it to Minneapolis to have it sent off to get converted. My husband took the picture after he put me into the driver's seat. It was supposed to be my first driving trip picture. If you look closely you will see the head, wings and folded arms. Must be my guardian angel. I say it is either my dad or my grandmother, but who knows." -Kay
2: "I have a few pics I took one night from this very old cabin. I've kept all the originals on my digital camera and they're not retouched! Here is just one I took while outside during the snowfall the other night. This image moved around and I took several pics of "it"....around the barn that was just built next to the old cabin.

One time, I was making a short video clip of this elk trying to come into the back door of the cabin, and after I made it...several people noticed what appeared to be an animal moving on the bottom corner of the screen.....but, there was no other animal there when I was filming the elk.... looks like a mixture of animals in one body or something like that...maybe a ghost animal spirit. The original is still on the film/tape." - Kelly