We recently received this eerie ghost picture taken by Steph at the concentration camp known as Auschwitz-Birkenau...
"Here is a picture taken during a trip I went on in April 2006 to Poland. I visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, and this image is of one of the beds inside the barracks. At the time, there was no dust or anything that could have been knocked etc, to cause it to rise. Inside the barracks was incredibly wet too due to the amount it was raining, so any gravel off the floor could not have caused it either. I can personally make out a very large number of faces to the right of the picture, some which appear to be screaming. And on bed number 11, I'm not sure if you can make it out, but I can see what appears to be a woman lying at the end of the bed with her head in her hands. This was not the only thing experienced when I visited Auschwitz. All around there is a constant feeling of being watched, and at one point I was walking past a gas chamber with my friend and we heard very loud, clear screams, of lots of people. It couldn't have come from another person, because it sounded as though it ws in the wind. Anyway, I just thought you might find it interesting, certainly from my perspective there is a lot of activity in this place. In the second picture, I've pointed out the area of the picture with the woman."