1: Bonfire Ghosts! - " My husband and I have bonfires quite often and we have never seen anything like this. In some of the other pictures taken that night there looks to be what I have learned to be called orbs. They were taken away from the fire in total darkness, at first I thought it was my camera until I saw this picture....any clue you can offer as to what this may be would satisfy my curiosity. If you look down on your computer screen from an angle the object on the right is more visible...we have ruled out smoke from the fire.Thanks for your time and hope you find this as interesting as I did..." Dee from Ohio
2 & 3: Suspect Gettysburg Ghost Pictures - These two photos were sent to us by Danielle M. of Bradford, PA. "The first photo is of a re-enactor at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He has orbs on his back; and the second photo was taken of woods at sunset in Gettysburg and at the top of the picture is a white orb." Do we have ghostly presence in the pictures? You decide.
4 & 5: U.K. Orb Ghost Photos - "I would like to share some photos with you that were taken at my wedding reception on the 22nd of October. The place is an old manor house called Wolverton Mill. It was then a school for boys and now a pub. There were Orbs on many pictures but here are just two of them. The old lady and the man are my husband and his mother. I would like to think that the large orb between them is his dad who died about 9 years ago now. He would have been so happy to see his youngest son married at last..." - Jolyna