The first two paranormal - ghost pictures (one is a close-up) feature a "green orb." The following is the account of how the possible paranormal picture came about. If you have any information regarding green orbs, please send an e-mail to
"The following pictures were taken at an old home site. Next to it was an old storm cellar. My son and I were trying to capture something interesting, but got nothing at the home. I told my son to take a picture of the storm cellar and this is what we got. I have never seen such a colorful orb. I wonder what the color means? I can state for a fact that the picture was not a green light bulb in the old storm cellar...this leaves the possibility of a camera defect. I would love to prove this is a real orb. I have captured several orbs in the past...mostly white and some pink, but never a bright green orb." - Lori
3: The next ghost picture was submitted by Wendy of Campbellsport, Wisconsin. We are stymied by the "ectoplasm" formation around the banister. The "ghost" seems to "wrap around" the rungs of the banister, but yet, almost displays a reflection of the flash parallel to the top banister. It's just a neat photo, and if you listen to Wendy, there appears to be "cat ears" in the ectoplasm... She writes:
"This picture was taken in my home in the upstairs hallway. It is a picture of my son James. This picture was taken about the summer of 2001. The blob above the stairway is what I believe to be a spirit...I'm not sure of what...but my father had died June of 2000 when I was pregnant with my son, James. This figure is not a reflection of any kind; my husband (who previously did not believe in ghosts) could not explain this orange appearance either, and believe me - he tried. I had also had one of my five cats die recently, as well. Some people said that it kind of looks like the outline of a cat. I don't know, but I do know it is unexplainable. I believe it to be my very own ghost picture...I feel privileged!"