So you would like to see some angel images? We collected together a few good angel images along with their stories. The following images of angels were submitted to Angels & Ghosts. Enjoy!
Angel images inspire many, even though some images may not be angelic entities, themselves. Many believe that angel images are signs of angelic presence - that guiding spirits indeed exist with us. Can you detect, can you sense the interaction of unseen spirits woven within the tapestry of your life?
The following angel images serve as inspiration to those who believe that we are not alone, but loved, observed, and cared for from the invisible plane, by benevolent spirits.
Frosted Glass Angel Image
Melanie from Alberta, Canada sent us this fantastic angel image, which looks like a young person with hands folded in prayer. She awakened to find this Christmas gift created by the frost on her window glass.
The angel picture was taken December, 2008. Read Melanie's story page about this photograph by selecting the image or its title above.
Hospital Jesus Picture
A crowd of people inside the Florida Hospital Medical Complex in Orlando, Florida snapped photos of an image appearing similarly as the profile of Jesus crying.
Cell Phone Angel Image
The angel picture at left was taken without flash using a cell phone camera. Claudia believes it is an angel guarding the little girl, Valerie.
The photograph was taken December, 2008. Valerie also believes there is something in the window (see enlarged photograph).
Angel Mist Image
RC sent us this angel image at left, which was taken two months before her dad passed.
Jesus On Wall Image
Kristi Broughton's drywall mud face picture has similarities to images of Jesus...
Car Window Angel Image
This angel picture was captured by snapping photographs outside of a car window, according to Don of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Is it an angel, or a trick of reflection? You decide, but first observe the larger image by selecting the photograph or title. This is a striking angel image, the more you study it and look at the detail. Do you see the head and arms?
Ines' Angel Image
"I updated my Facebook profile picture a couple of days ago, with this picture I'm enclosing. A friend noticed there was some figure 'flying' towards my nose. I hadn't seen it. I thought it was just strange light from the picture. The photo is only retouched to add more light and contrast. I have nothing to do with the 'figure' who in fact, looks like an angel with some sort of instrument.
I'm not a religious person, but very spiritual. I believe we are living wonderful times in our Earth, where we can connect better than ever, to our higher beings, and have the life we came to have, making it paradise on Earth. I submit this picture for your appreciation, and do not take any kind of position about what it is. Anyway, we live in a wonderful world, full of surprises for those who want to see." - Inès Vignolo, Switzerland