The following angel pictures we received from viewers in August, 2009. Do they represent the presence of angels or enlightened spirits among us? You decide for yourself.
Many believe that spirit beings influence our lives in different ways and that they may be captured manifesting as entities of light, appearing differently to the camera's eye.
The first two angel pictures were originally shown prior in one of our sections about angels, but we wished to update the story; for another picture taken the same morning was sent to us by the family:
Daughter Angel Pictures
Tony sent us two amazing pictures of what the family believes to be an angel caught at Christmas. It has long been believed that spirits of family visit us during celebrations. The following story and angel picture could be some good evidence to support that:
"Here is a picture of what I believe is my daughter's guardian angel. She said she had seen an angel in her bedroom on Christmas Eve. She was only three years old at the time, so I know she couldn't make this up. When the pictures came out, this what we saw."
San Carlos Angel Picture?
Our next angel picture from Leigh I. was taken in San Carlos, Mexico and is a series of photos showing an anomaly of light appearing and then disappearing!
"My husband and I were sitting at La Palapa restaurant looking out at the beach. We had just started talking about God, when I wanted to take a photo with my digital camera of the beautiful sky and beach. I snapped a photo, then shortly afterward, snapped the second one, which showed a bright image to the left side. I was perplexed by the image, so I took another photo, and it also had an image, but dimmer. I then took a photo immediately afterward, and there was nothing there. Since we were having a "God discussion," I thought the photos were interesting. If you look at the brighter image, you can see a large "orb-ish" circle in the middle, as if there were a bright light source affecting the camera. The sun had already set, and there were no lights on where we were sitting."
Pyramid Angel Picture
Gill sent us this angel photograph taken by his daughter in their lounge:
"This photo really interests me, especially the image on the beanbag under the pyramid because someone did a beautiful painting of my Guide with that symbol on their cheek."
Face In Water Angel Picture
Carrie sent us this shocking facial image she noticed in the water. We also see another face to the right of the one marked in the yellow box.
"My mom and aunt went to Florida to put my grandmother's ashes in the ocean. She passed away June 28th. The picture was taken after they put her in the water. You can clearly see a face. I checked the before pictures to see if it could have been a crazy ock, but I didn't see any. The face is above my aunts knee, on the left side of the picture, a little before half way down."
Woman and Child Angel Pictures
Joe from Bloomsdale, Missouri captured this next photo, which shows a human form behind the steps in his back yard:
"I recently caught these photos by accident trying to set my wildlife camera up to see what was getting into my trash cans late at night. It turned out to be a cat. When I retrieved the camera the next morning I set it off and moved out of the way and this is what I saw. The camera was taking pictures every six seconds automatically. I was standing behind the camera waiting for it to finish, so I could take it in the house. I saw nothing!"
The series of pictures, along with enhancements will help you to discover that this is a woman holding a baby. But, she appears to be no ordinary woman, for she seems to vanish as quickly as she appeared and is whited-out more than the wood structure in front of her.
Take a closer look...and you decide. Is it an angel? Spirit? Ghost?