Dorothy sent us this angel picture. She believes it to be of a guardian angel. Here's her story...
"When I took this picture of my daughter, we were in the house and I was sitting in a chair directly across from her. This was taken with my parents digital camera. So I’m not sure what kind it was exactly. I just know that when I took the picture, my daughter was centered in it and when I looked at the screen I almost deleted it thinking it was just a bad photo. Then I downloaded them onto my computer and this is what I saw. My daughter has always had the feeling of someone watching her and being with her at all times, so now we know that this is her guardian angel. We call her Stef as my husband and I have both seen her at times in the house. One time in particular I got onto my daughter for being at our bedroom door instead of cleaning up her room, only to have her walk from the bathroom and say 'WHAT DID I DO?'"