The following angel photos were sent to us from our visitors. We find the photos of possible angels and spirits to be quite interesting, perhaps revealing the often-unseen realm of Spirit, as well as the existence of benevolent spirits interacting with and around us.
Angel At Sunset Photo
Joel Graham sent us this wonderful angel photo he recently captured in the evening in Newport, Rhode Island:
"I have always been in the presence of angels. Everyone, who knows me, knows this to be true. I took this photo two weeks ago at sunset."
Angel Aura Photo?
Christy Gamble sent us this unique photo which shows an orb or ball of light over top of her daughter. We also do not know believe it was caused by flash reflection off of a dust particle. Take a look and decide for yourself. Is this spirit manifesting like an aura around her daughter?
"I was taking a picture of my daughter do a relay race in the yard in her jammies. She was bending over a log and hammering a nail into it as part of the relay. When I looked at the picture I saw the ora around her. None of the other pictures
I took had anything like this on it. It was 5-9-09 and in the afternoon."
Whosoever Believes Angel Photos
Tudie, owner of, gave us permission to post some of her angel photos. She shares that light, angels and a loving God are her truth. These are the last photos in our slideshow of angels.