Woman & Child Angel Picture

Joe from Bloomsdale, Missouri captured this angel or spirit photo, which shows a human form behind the steps in his back yard:

"I recently caught these photos by accident trying to set my wildlife camera up to see what was getting into my trash cans late at night. It turned out to be a cat. When I retrieved the camera the next morning I set it off and moved out of the way and this is what I saw. The camera was taking pictures every six seconds automatically. I was standing behind the camera waiting for it to finish, so I could take it in the house. I saw nothing!"

The series of pictures, along with enhancements will help you to discover that this is a woman holding a baby. But, she appears to be no ordinary woman, for she seems to vanish as quickly as she appeared and is whited-out more than the wood structure in front of her.

Take a closer look...and you decide. Is it an angel? Spirit? Ghost?

1) Close-up of the woman and baby, unaltered, but cropped.

2) Diagram of the baby and part of the woman's shoulder and arm.

3) Adjusted color and contrast.

4) The original image showing the woman between the wooden posts of the stairs.

5) The following picture taken six-seven seconds later only shows a small part of the image between the rail and steps. All that could be made out was a small corner of white in this photograph. Still, the image did not appear in any other photos from the camera, nor did Joe see anyone there as the camera was capturing images!