This angel picture is intriguing and looks like a little child. Is it an angel? The photographer of the image believes so.
"Hello, I am Mike. About three years ago I submitted an angel photo that you published as "picture of the month." In that photo there were a couple of kids dressed for Halloween (one in a bumblebee outfit) and one very brightly outlined silhouette of a little angel girl in a dress.
This submission is a photo taken about the same time. I had forgotten how stunning this picture was until I found the lost picture file that was stored on my computer.
The picture was inadvertently taken, camera pointed downward, in the garage of the same Costa Mesa, California home as the Halloween photo was shot. This one should give you the chills.
Here's the attached photo. The picture is so perfect it almost appears fake, it's not, IT IS REAL!!!! To the best of my recollection this photo was taken in early 2007 using a Sony Cybershot camera. The angel photo was discovered while downloading pictures from the day's events (normal family activities, nothing unusual). I believe the actual 'click' occurred while walking in the garage area of the home with the camera in hand."