from an Anonymous Source
My cousins and I were staying at my auntie's lake-side house in Minnesota. There was a shed just opposite the lake, in front of the house. We kept all of the tools and torches in that shed.
One night, we had a black-out and my cousin Hamish and I went inside of the old shed to get a torch; but we couldn't open the door. We thought we had the wrong key, so went back inside the house to check. It was the right key, alright; so we went back out to double-check and try to open the lock, again.
Hamish leaned on the door before I tried, again, to open it. This time, however, it just fell open, and he fell inside the shed. He stood up really quickly and turned the lights on. We gathered the torches we were in need of and went back inside the house.
When we took them back in the morning, all the paint cans at the back of the shed had fallen down, and there was paint everywhere. Hamish and I got all of the blame for it, but we still think it was a ghost! After all, who could have done this?