Michelle Romano sent us ghost pictures of Graceland, the mansion of Elvis Presley. In her pictures are some strange anomalies - perhaps caused by an unseen energy of some sort:
"My name is Michelle and I went to Graceland in the summer of 2003. When I got the pictures developed i noticed some strange things in them. Every picture I took of the clothing came out blurred. I took a picture of a statue that is out by the graves and at the very bottom this is blob of white light. Also is a picture of the last piano Elvis played hours before he died. That picture came out blurred, also; and there is something that looks like a lightning bolt on the coffee table. Also, I took a picture of the pictures on the wall of his record singles, and there is that lightning bolt on one of the records.
Anyone who has been on a tour of Graceland knows you can't use flash on your camera. So, all these pictures were taken without flash. They were also not taken on the same roll of film. So it's not that the film went bad. I have had this camera for many years and nothing like this has happened to any of my other pictures."