Jennifer M. sent this ghost picture which she feels may be North American Indian spirits manifesting, due to the history of the area. We asked Jennifer if it were possible that some of her hair got into the shot, as the bottom anomaly looks similar. She doesn't believe so and when one considers the top anomalies, they appear more like spirit vapor trails...very interesting:
"This picture was taken in the fall of 1994. This is outside of my home. I used just one of the Kodak one time use cameras. I do not know what is in the picture, so I would love your opinion. This is Richmond, Kentucky in the mountains. The house in the background used to be a log cabin that was remodeled. The upstairs windows used to be where people sat and shot at Indians as they came up over the mountain. I think it is the spirits of the Indians shot and killed there many years ago."
What caused the anomalies in the photo? Are the swirls the photographer's hair in front of the lens, or spirits of Native Americans that once lived in the area?
You decide...