Kevin sent this great picture which has ectoplasm vapor trails in it (also listen to Kevin's haunted house EVP). The concentration of the vapor trails is incredible, and we cannot explain it as anything else other than being ghostly. We masked his son's face:
"Time stamp on photo...temprature about 70 degrees. Taken with Nikon coolpix 3100. My son and I were the only people in the house. I've sent a reference photo as well to show same area. I sent you a picture back in 2005 (in your July archives Native American in mirror). My son and I were just sitting around and he asked me if we could take some "ghost pictures." We had nothing going on and I thought why not. We haven't really been ghost hunting in a while. I was a little apprehensive about doing it, because I was so surprised on how so many people discard what is really good stuff as being faked. After all, why take pictures and capture something worth sharing, if no one really believes that what your sending is real. We know what we experience is real and its difficult to relay that to people who may be interested, but just haven't seen enough to know that it is real. As I mentioned before in my previous submission, we have had great EVPs, multiple sightings and just plain weird stuff happening in ur home since 1999... The odd thing was that my son told me immediately after taking the photo, and before seeing my expression from me seeing it on the view finder, that he felt a tingling in his chest. When he said this I said, "No way." He responded by stating that he really felt a strong tingling sensation in his chest, and that the hair on his arms "went up." Needless to say, after hearing that, so did mine."