Tony sent us this thought-provoking ghost picture taken aboard the ship, Queen Mary...
"My wife and I were celebrating an early anniversary since she was pregnant with our first child. We had just finished dinner on an event called the, "Dinner Detective Boat Ride." Since we were spending the night, we decided to tour the Queen Mary around 11:00 P.M. February 27, 2010 and walk-off our meal. As my wife eagerly led me, while she explored the Queen Mary, I took pictures everywhere. We walked down the main hall of the boat, near the port side entrance of "The Observation Bar," and I took pictures of what I think is a nursery. After a nice walk around the boat, we went to our room and looked at the pictures I took. I saw what looked like a face and torso of a woman in a Victorian-style dress, wearing a broach. I went out the next day to the same spot and took pictures of the exact area; nothing like the woman was to be seen. There were three Asian women exiting the bar when I took the picture, but they were in night club clothes and were short. My wife shared that even though people were leaving, no one that she saw had that type of clothing on. I showed the people at the lobby and they were stunned. I will send the staff of Queen Mary an 8 x 10 of this picture since they requested it. Pictures are before, after, and a close-up."
The lady looks like a painting reflected on the board, but her size and strength of color would require something very close to produce such a detailed reflection. Also, having the original digital file, we do not believe it was tampered with, altered in any way.