Billie sent us these ghost pictures taken from the Ordsall ghost cam. You can watch this ghost cam and others at Live Ghost Web Cams.
"Ordsall hall has a ghost cam, that they had stopped showing at one point, but by high demand from disappointed viewers ,they reopened it again and it is now back up. Just before they shut it down, several years ago, I was watching it and was really quite uninterested in it, as I had never seen anything - not a spot...not a blur. On this particular day however, it seemed different. The room was the same as usual then all of the sudden the room turned a yellow color. Thought it was cam problems. Then I had this one photo come up fast that looked as though there were two faces in it! My husband came in the room and about fell over when he saw the cam pic. Shortly after, I had another that popped up, with a figure of a what looked to be a legless man in red, sitting in a chair (no one was to sit in furniture - it is a historical piece). Seems his shirt is off his shoulder? Then he disappeared and few frames later a white shape appeared near the window. All on the same day. After that, room went normal ad nothing happened as usual. Well since then, they have had the ghost cam back up and I watch it, but see nothing again. I wonder what was so special about that day? Going to watch it this year on same day see if anything happens."