Jaya sent us this ghost picture of what appears to be ectoplasm, although it is in the direction of the sunlight:
"My name is Jaya and I had this pic taken in Sintra, Portugal (one of the 7 most powerful places in the world, spiritually wise). I find this pic interesting, because I initially thought that it was a finger of the person that took it...but, when I looked at it with more attention I noticed that it is actually "see through;" so it can't be the sunlight, as the sunlight features in the pic are a lot more defined. I've seen ghosts for years, and I always see an aura (white or grey), "see through," but defined. As I said, I initially thought it was a finger in the pic, but I later realized it wasn't - and it matches what I normally see (although this one is not a defined shape). I don't know what to make of it; what I do know is that I took another pic about 30 secs after this one...at the same place (because I thought it was a finger in the first pic) and this shape was gone in the second pic...I would like to know what you make of this."